IUCN Red List is broken and needs an overhaul

Slender-billed curlew

Conservationists across the globe rely upon the IUCN Red List (“Red List”) to understand the current status of wild species in terms of their survival and whether they are threatened with extinction. I have visited their website often and noticed how out of date the information is. Often the latest information is about 10 …

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Lions are livestock in South Africa and lion farms illegally sell skeletons to Asian buyers

Lion farms ‘illegally sell skeletons to Asian buyers. In 2019 lions were classified as farm animals in South Africa.

NEWS AND OPINION: My research tells me that in 2019 (or perhaps 2020), an amendment was made to South African’s Animal Improvement Act (AIA) to reclassify lions as farm animals. The government amended the AIA to include lions as a “species” that can be bred as livestock. There was no public consultation. The amendment …

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Two cats that can travel underneath branches like a sloth

Two cats that can travel underneath branches like a sloth

There are 2 wild cat species that I know of which can walk underneath horizontal branches as if they were a sloth. The species are: RELATED: You can tell the difference between tree and ground dwelling cats from their morphology Here is a description of the fabulously beautiful (too beautiful as they have been …

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See cute wildcat kittens recently born in the wild in the Cairngorms

Two cute wildcat kittens born in the wild with their mom

Wildlife conservationists have heralded the birth of wildcat kittens in Cairngorms National Park. You’ll see two cute kittens with their mother in the video. We are told they were born in the wild. It looks great and one needs to be positive but on a realistic note are these purebred Scottish wildcats with a …

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The illegal trade in cheetahs

Pet cheetah in a car in Dubai on a lead with the owner on his phone.

For a long time now there has been a fascination with the exotic cheetah, the world’s fastest land animal, which has encouraged the illegal trade of cheetahs as they are taken from their mothers, caged, smuggled and sold as pets in countries in the Middle East and elsewhere, where the rich feel the need …

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The story of the new taxonomic classification of the ‘clouded tiger-cat’

Fictional representation of a new subspecies of Oncilla called the 'clouded tiger-cat'

The experts have concluded after careful analysis that there is a new subspecies of Oncilla on the planet and they’ve called it the ‘clouded tiger-cat’. This story is about the reclassification taxonomically of an existing species of small wild cat so that it has been ‘carved out’ of an existing classification when it was …

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Picture of a black jaguar aka black panther in South America

Black jaguar aka black panther in South American jungle

RELATED: Picture of a beautiful black jaguar a.k.a. black panther (melanistic jaguar) Misidentification as Black Panthers: Black jaguars are sometimes confused with black panthers, but it’s essential to clarify that “black panther” isn’t a distinct species. Instead, it’s a term commonly used for melanistic leopards and jaguars. Both black big cats belong to the …

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