Why human facial expressions are much more developed than those of domestic cats. Infographic.

Human facial expressions are significantly more obvious than those of domestic cats due to several key biological, evolutionary, and social factors: 1. Evolutionary Adaptations for Communication 2. Facial Musculature Differences 3. Domestication Effects 4. Role of Vocalization vs. Expression 5. Eyebrow Movement & Whites of the Eyes (Sclera Visibility) Conclusion: Human facial expressions evolved …

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Free or controlled feeding of domestic cats? Infographic.

The answer to the question in the title is largely common sense as the infographic indicates. The danger as I see it is that full-time indoor cats, neutered and spayed, are more likely to put on excess weight due to possible boredom and a lack of means to express natural behaviours and thereby expend …

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Winter blues in dogs: how seasonal changes affect canine behavior and well-being

My infographic summarizes a report in The Times newspaper yesterday (23rd January 2024 written by Rhys Blakeley) of a survey on the possible winter blues suffered by some canines. I think it fair to say that what is said about companion dogs may also in some households apply to domestic cats. There is probably …

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Domestic cats share some human behavioural traits. Infographic.

I believe that it is useful to remind ourselves that we share some behavioural traits with our cat companions as it may, in some households, help to remove a ‘them and us’ belief. Humans do like to think they are special and that they are not animals. Humans are human-animals and there are more …

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Feline tail quivering. What’s its meaning? Infographic.

The interesting aspect of domestic cat tail quivering is that it occurs during what appears to be two entirely different circumstances. In the infographic I explore a possible connection between these circumstances in the emotional state of the cat and the message that she/he wishes to impart to others. Nature’s evolution dictates that there …

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