Domestic cats share some human behavioural traits. Infographic.

I believe that it is useful to remind ourselves that we share some behavioural traits with our cat companions as it may, in some households, help to remove a ‘them and us’ belief. Humans do like to think they are special and that they are not animals. Humans are human-animals and there are more …

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Feline tail quivering. What’s its meaning? Infographic.

The interesting aspect of domestic cat tail quivering is that it occurs during what appears to be two entirely different circumstances. In the infographic I explore a possible connection between these circumstances in the emotional state of the cat and the message that she/he wishes to impart to others. Nature’s evolution dictates that there …

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Psychic trailing in domestic cats. Infographic.

Some people believe that domestic cats are bestowed with ‘psychic trailing’ (‘psi trailing’) meaning the ability to use extra sensory perception (ESP) to find their way home when for example their owner moves home and their cat returns to their old home or they’ve become lost. There is no firm science to support psychic …

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Squirrels that hunt like cats. Infographic.

The infographic summarises this extraordinary, unexpected and widespread California ground squirrel predatory behaviour which on occasions mimicked the predatory behaviour of domestic cats. 😎 This squirrel species usually feeds on acorns, seeds, nuts and fruits. Do squirrels sometimes hunt prey? Yes, squirrels sometimes hunt prey, though it is not common behavior. Squirrels are primarily …

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Domestic cat patience is an asset. Infographic.

We take it for granted: the enormous patience of our domestic cat companions. But it is a great asset for the domestic cat in their need to adapt to the human environment in which they are obliged to live. Particularly so when they are full-time indoor cats where often even the patience of the …

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Domestic cats operate on instinct placing a high level of responsibility on owners. Infographic.

Perhaps it is fair to say that sometimes cat owners (caregivers) forget that their feline friend operates on DNA hard-wired instinct as they are often seen as little human members of the family which is nice. Moreover, this DNA is inherited from their wildcat ancestor. The domestic cat’s behaviour is rooted in the behaviour …

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