What does the kodkod eat?

Leopardus guigna - Kodkod.
Leopardus guigna – Kodkod. Photo: Wikipedia.

The diminutive kodkod, which is the size of a tiny domestic cat, eats free-range young chickens when they are available (I hope they avoid the farmer!). They also eat a variety of birds including the Austral thrush, Southern lapwing, chucao tapaculo, huet-huet, domestic geese and the Chiloe lizard. Some of these bird species are attacked when on the ground in dense vegetation as they rarely leave the ground. The kodkod also eats rodents. The source of this information is several studies including Mammals of Malleco Province Chile 1965 by J.K. Greer.

Austral thrush
Austral thrush. Photo: Wikipedia.
Kodkod cat facts for kids
kodkod Cat Facts For Kids.


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