Here are 18 facts about the Asian Shaded or Burmilla. This is not a well-known cat. I hope that you find the information useful.
- The Burmilla is part of what the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) call the “Asian Group”.
- Cats of the Asian group were the first to receive a breed standard that allowed points to be awarded at cat shows for temperament.
- Accidental beginnings: In 1981, in London, a Burmese cat mated with a Chinchilla Longhair resulting in an attractive shaded silver litter of kittens. The owner was Miranda von Kirchberg. She started a planned breeding programme.
- The policy was to breed back the kittens to Burmese every other generation. Elsewhere other Burmese-chinchilla crosses were made. Back crossing helps to enlarge the genetic base.
- The Burmilla was recognised by GCCF in 1989. FIFe recognised the breed in 1994.
- A notable characteristic of the Burmilla is the striking dark eyeliner around the eyes. This looks like human mascara. It looks like they’ve been putting on makeup when you add in the fact that they have a line of colour around the almost red nose leather (the end of the nose).
- The Burmilla includes both shaded and tipped cats. It should not be tipped to the point where it appears almost white. The undercoat should be pale and almost white in Silvers.
- Tabby markings on Burmillas should be limited to the face, legs and tail.
- The body is medium-sized and should be well-muscled.
- Shading varies from medium-heavy to tipping.
- The ears are medium-to-large and widely spaced; angled slightly upwards.
- The head is a short wedge shape and gently rounded on top.
- The coat is short, fine and close lying.
- The GCCF website tells us that the Asian is a lively, outgoing cat. They enjoy play and are very affectionate. They are intelligent and inquisitive. They “coexist most successfully with breeds of a similar disposition i.e. confident lively and outgoing”.
- The Asian is talkative and chatty.
- The Asian Group of cats consist of five varieties: self which means solid colours including the Bombay together with 16 other recognised self and tortie colours including the Asian Shaded which is also called the Burmilla as mentioned above.
- The coat is short. There is a white undercoat, profusely shaded with tipping. The colours allowed for the Burmese are allowed for the Burmilla. The basic genotype is A-cbcbI- to which should be added the genes that create the colored varieties. The dominant gene: I, produces the white undercoat.
- The shaded Burmilla is agouti. The agouti varieties are called Asians. The jet-black Burmese (a non-traditional colour) is called a Bombay.
Below are some articles about the better-known Bombay which as mentioned is a member of the Asian Group.