How many cats does Enya have?

The online media bandy around an estimate of 12 cats. That is what they say but beware of the word “estimate”. It seems that we don’t know how many cats Enya has because she is reclusive. She shuns social media and interviews. She lives is a secure castle in Ireland – her Irish Kingdom – with her staff and her cats. Good for her.

She is reputedly worth $132 million or £101 million at the date of this post. She acquired this estimated wealth through record sales of 75m worldwide.

A Google image search for “enya cats” completely confuses the search engine! There are no pictures of Enya with her cats; testament to her desire for a private life. Wikipedia has an enormous page on Enya, dissecting every aspect of her life but not one word about cats!

If the news media is correct and she has a dozen cats she’s a great cat lover. She probably has a member of staff exclusively involved in caring for her cats although I am sure she is heavily involved personally. Her castle seems to be ideal for her and her cat companions.

You could say that being reclusive and 56 years old she rather nicely fits the profile of the crazy cat lady. But make no mistake, this lady is not crazy. She is smart, attractive and highly talented.

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