Nothing to say other than to admire. This ginger cat is sorted. He knows exactly what he can do and he’s done it. He is content to be snuggled up with the bananas in this banana plant. The place looks like the tropics. I’m going to guess and say that it is Central America that that guest could not be wilder! It’s the first time that I have seen a domestic cat in a banana plant. Although, we have all seen many domestic cats in conventional trees, often stuck in them.
Thanks, Sue, for taking the time to comment. I won’t delete it. I treasure comment! 🙂 It is an interesting topic too.
Feel free to delete my posts about this I just wanted you to have a laugh at how it is posted in Kailua, Hawaii.
Oops- while the link is working I think only those in our neighborhood can see it. Here is now it is posted in Kailua:
Its working for me today so hopefully you can see and enjoy it.
Here is the link in NextDoor Kailua. We are having lots of fun with this. ..
Thanks Sue.