Cat Poem. I like Poetry

I like to try my hand at cat poetry. Fortunately, I don’t do it often and rarely have the courage to publish it. But here is one I just wrote having consumed a glass of wine for inspiration:

There is only one thing worth doing in the world of cats
To give and to educate so that
never again will a cat be miserable and starving
Unloved and discarded like a possession of the modern world
Cats are not of the modern human world
They are nature personified
They remind us that we are a part of nature
That we will return to the earth one day
Reappraise yourself with nature again
Walk in the landscape and smell the air
Soak it up and soften your heart
Then go home and love your cat.


7 thoughts on “Cat Poem. I like Poetry”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Great poem, great sentiments, great wine 😉 lets be having some more. Dee that’s a very sad poem 🙁

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