The Exploitation Of Animals

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Although this article isn’t entirely about cats, it’s relevant to cats because many are as exploited as other species of animals.

Whether we believe in the Biblical version of how the world began, or believe the theory of evolution, the facts are the same, animals were here before us.

Christians justify using animals because of the words:

‘Man shall have dominion over all’

How do evolutionists justify using animals if they believe we humans are descended from animals ourselves?

Creation or Evolution
Creation or Evolution. Poster by Ruth aka Kattaddorra.

Because we walk on two legs and can talk and reason, many of us think we are above all other beings and that they are there for us to use as we wish. But although animals can’t talk (except in their own tongue) in my opinion they are in reality far more intelligent than humans.

They don’t need watches to know the time or calendars to know the months and seasons, or to know their birthdays.

For example cats, we personally make our cats birthdays an occasion with cards and presents but in all honestly it’s for our own pleasure that we do it, not for them, they don’t care about special occasions.

As human beings progressed they took over the animal kingdom, hunting them for food and clothing and tools, using them for entertainment, domesticating them as rodent catchers and then as companions.

Yes animals have a ‘pecking order’ too. Just as we humans are the most powerful of all species, larger, stronger or fiercer animals are at the top of the animal kingdom pecking order, but here is the difference.

In the wild, animals have a chance to escape from others stronger than themselves, they accept Nature, if an animal further up the food chain catches them, that’s fair game and is what they understand.

But they have no chance to escape humans, because humans are all powerful.

Animals are exploited in many ways, food animals and birds are born especially to be killed, that’s their fate without question, they are born, they want to live but they have to die.

They are forced to live their short lives under whatever conditions the person ‘owning’ them decides, they are taken away to be slaughtered, chopped up and eaten by humans who think they can’t (and maybe some think why should they?) live without eating meat. They have no chance of escaping their fate.

Wild animals are captured to be exhibited in zoos or to perform in circuses.

Domesticated pets, cats and dogs are looked upon as possessions, they have no rights, yes there are laws against cruelty to domestic pets but there is more than one way to exploit a cat or a dog.

Look at what we do to cats. They were born wild to live and procreate and ensure their species lived on forever and Nature designed the survival of the fittest.

  • We take away their freedom, we take them into houses and compromise their immune systems so that they have to have inoculations against diseases.
  • We take away their means to breed, yes it’s necessary but it’s morally wrong.
  • We decide their timetable, cats are naturally crepuscular but they have to follow our routine, go to bed at night, stay there until their ‘owner’ decides to rise, this is so against a cat’s nature and then we wonder why they develop stress related illnesses such as cystitis.
  • Then of course there is declawing, taking away a cat’s toe ends, merely for convenience. The descendants of those beautiful creatures who years ago lived wild and free are so ‘owned’ now that in some countries their ‘owner’ is legally allowed to have their cat mutilated that way.

We think human beings have progressed but we have not, we have merely taken over the world’s animals for our own use and abuse, in various ways.

Medical science has advanced and many people are living longer, some kept alive at all costs, but is that a good thing when there are too many people on this planet, some who are starving for lack of food?

Is it a good thing that humans once unable to have children can now often be helped by medical science to breed and overcrowd this planet even more?

I’m not saying that it’s wrong to want to live longer or to have help in having a baby if a woman wants one very badly, what I’m saying is that we humans don’t have to accept our fate like animals have to, we have choices.

Yet we are animals just the same as other species are animals, birds or fish, so was Nature’s plan not to have all animals including us, live and die by the pattern set out for us at our birth?

Some people ask ‘But what are animals for, if not for us to use?’

The answer is ‘What are humans for?’

All species have a purpose, but what is ours?

The world to me seems to have gone awry and I suppose in a way we are trapped just like the animal kingdom we ‘own’ are trapped.

We are brought up to think animals are there for us, that we are superior to them.

But are we?

Going by the state of the world right now, I don’t think we are.

45 thoughts on “The Exploitation Of Animals”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I hope it went well at the doctors Daniel and I wish you luck in your research as it seems to me you need to do some if you think animals are as deliberately evil as some people are.

  3. lol I love the school of life and university of experience yes it’s what we mature and decent people have lived by.
    Clever remarks,fancy words and trying to blacken or twist others reasoning are immature and ignorant,Daniel has a lot to learn before he becomes a decent human.

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