Inherent power imbalance between cat and human. Infographic.

It perhaps goes without saying but I like to say obvious things anyway as a reminder, in this instance, that there is an inherent power imbalance between cat and human. It creates inequality. Equality between humans is fundamental to human society. From this inherent power imbalance many negatives flow. It will always subsist. The …

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10 cat behaviours showing appreciation. Infographic.

Our bonding with the domestic cat is the result of a remarkable interspecies human-to-cat relationship. We can’t expect the cat to express their appreciation for our loving caregiving in our way. They show it differently; indirectly in ten ways as illustrated in the infographic below. It is nice to remind ourselves that this is …

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The origin of the cat tail-up greeting. Infographic.

Kitten tail-up greeting which is carried forward into adulthood in the human-to-cat relationship

The origin of the domestic cat ‘tail-up’ body language greeting is interesting and important as it highlights a central element in the human-to-cat relationship, namely that cat caregivers are perpetual mothers to their adult cats which serves to indoctrinate the adult cat into maintaining kitten behaviors one of which is the tail up greeting; …

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Do domestic cats need a warm place at night? Infographic.

I have not seen the above question discussed on the internet. I think that it is a worthwhile discussion as many homes have full-time indoor cats and they are cold at night. These cats don’t have the facilities through which they can hunt and be active at night in order to keep warm. We …

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Reason why cats sometimes lick themselves after being stroked. INFOGRAPHIC.

As I say in the infographic there are a few well-rehearsed theories about this, which are incorrect as far as I am concerned 😎🙄. I don’t think science has intervened in this discussion so we are reliant on conjecture. However, I feel my theory which may be novel and unique is the best and …

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The philosophy of not shouting when your cat bites you. Infographic.

The philosophy of not shouting when your cat bites you. Infographic. by Michael Broad In an ever more competitive and sometimes crazy world it is very easy for even the best cat caregivers to lose their cool and shout in exasperation. Sometimes the shouting may be directed at their cat because inadvertently the cat’s …

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Why do cats sulk? They don’t. Infographic.

Why do cats sulk. They don't.

Understandably we tend to humanize (anthropomorphize) our cat companions as they are often firmly members of the family and little humans. Sometimes naughty kids. But cats don’t understand the concept of human naughtiness as what we see as naughty behavior is natural behaviour for domestic cats. It is instinctively reactive to the environment created …

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