What kind of domestic cat has leopard spots?

What kind of domestic cat has leopard spots? The answer must be the Bengal cat as you can see from the montage below:

What kind of domestic cat has leopard spots?
What kind of domestic cat has leopard spots? Montage: PoC. Images: in public domain.
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You will not match a leopard’s spots exactly in a domestic cat. As you can see they vary between solid spots and irregular shaped rosettes, to use cat fancy language. The Bengal cat can also have rosettes depending on the type of cat created by the breeder but they look slightly different. Nonetheless there is a great similarity. Rosettes are like open spots with a hole in the middle. In the Bengal cat these sorts of spots have been created through selective breeding but they are essentially tabby cat spots. And that rich warm glow you get on the Bengal cat coat is also a product of selective breeding. Breeders do not try and copy the leopard’s spots. But they do create different types of spots for their cats. A Bengal cat’s spots vary: arrowhead, doughnut (donut) and pawprint. The Bengal cat also has the classic tabby pattern (swirls) and this is called a “marble” pattern by Bengal cat breeders.



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