Tabby hair strand anatomy and pattern. Infographic.

In summary, the tabby pattern is the result of agouti-banded hairs clustering in specific regions, directed by genetic factors, and creating visible markings on the cat’s coat. The tabby pattern in a domestic cat’s coat is created by the arrangement of individual tabby hair strands, which exhibit a unique banding pattern of pigmentation. This …

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Picture of a lion cub’s striped coat contrasted with the plain coat of their father

Picture of a lion cub with code markings in contrast to the plain code of their parent

This picture of a lion cub’s spotted and striped coat in contrast to their father’s plain coat caught my eye as a good example of nature protecting the vulnerable lion cub by improving their camouflage which is customised for the environment in which they live. The spots and stripes disappear after around nine months. …

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Your chance to watch a ginger tabby Maine Coon kitten grow up from 2 to 16 weeks of age in a 17 second video

Ginger tabby Maine Coon kitten

I always like these short videos showing a charming Maine Coon kitten growing up. This breed grows up slowly; still developing at 4-years-of-age they say. And this particular individual is a lovely ginger tabby with a nice little dark smudge on the left side of his nose which I think adds to his attractiveness. …

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How Siamese cats change their colours

Siamese cats should have vivid blue eyes as per the cat associations' breed standards

First a short introduction. Although the history of the Siamese cat in the West is somewhat vague, it would seem with some certainty that a certain Mrs Vyvyan of Dover, UK acquired some of the first Siamese cats in the West. Of course, they came from Siam (now Thailand) ostensibly from the King’s Palace …

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‘Chinchilla’, its meaning in the cat world (infographic)

Chinchilla Persian miniature cat

The word ‘chinchilla’ is used a lot in the cat fancy and it is associated with Persian cats. Usually not the extreme bred, flat-faced variety but the traditional doll-faced types. But there appears to be a certain flexibility in the meaning and use of the word which I have illustrated in the infographic. In essence ‘chinchilla’ refers to a type of coat in the cat world, specifically the cat fancy. The name has been taken from the name of a South American rodent with the same coat.

Bicolor cats infographic

Black and white bicolor Scottish Fold kitten from Russia (Siberia)

The infographic by me summarises information about bicolour cats. I hope you find it useful. There are image links to more pages on piebaldism and bicolour cats after the infographic.

Note: I am indebted to Sarah Hartwell of for her knowledge on piebaldism and the images in the middle of the infographic about grading. Other source: me and Gloria Stephens of Legacy of the Cat.

Masked Silver (cat)

Champion Lord Sylvester a Masked Silver from 1901

In 1947, Milo Denlinger, writing about the coat types and colours of Persian cats, said: “Masked Silvers are a new variety, and at present very few are bred. The ideal Masked Silver is a very beautiful animal; in colouring or, I should say marking, they should resemble a Siamese cat; that is to say, …

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