Wise black Maine Coon kitten looks knowingly into the camera

Another Maine Coon with a fantastic but strange facial expression which is other-worldly. Pictures of cats always interest me and this one caught my eye. This is a young cat which makes the wise face all the more interesting. It is all about selective breeding as usual unless someone is damned good at photo-editing which I don’t think is the case.

Another majestic Maine Coon kitten
Another majestic Maine Coon kitten. Photographer and breeder unknown. Image believed to be in the public domain.

This young Maine Coon has an enormously exaggerated muzzle which is responsible for the ‘wise old man on young shoulders’ look. Maine Coons are meant to have strong muzzles but not like this. And it seems that he has a human beard; another reason for the human appearance. He or she looks unflinchingly into the camera which is also a little unusual. Most cats don’t like to look at camera lenses. They think you are stealing their soul! Sorry, just joking. But this fella does have a soul. You can see it in his face.

So that brings me nicely to the question as to whether cats have souls. The answer must be yes. Why not? Are souls the preserve of humans? We are human-animals. We think we are separated from animals, an entirely different creature but sadly (for some), we are not. The website christianity.com says that animals do not have souls. They would. The Christian faith still believes that animals exist to serve humans. It’s pure nonsense. They refer to the Bible to justify this idea. The New Testament was written 50-100 years after Jesus’s death which makes is around 2000 years old. If you wrote about something 100 years after it happened how accurate would it be without computers, cameras and all the usual paraphernalia for recording events?

They had completely different concepts about animals. Christianity needs to update their thinking and bring it into the modern age. I digress bigtime. This is a great looking cat. I’ll bet he’s expensive to purchase if he is for sale. My guess? Two thousand US dollars.


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