by Sanem
(Balıkesir, Turkey)
About 12 years ago my mum had a Turkish Angora female and that cat gave birth to wonderful babies fathered by the tabby of a neighbour.
There were five kittens in the litter and we gave them to other people.
We kept the most beautiful female to ourselves.
She is ginger with the green eyes of her mother.
Her father was a grey tabby with short hair but Tarcin has her mum's long Angora hair, with the mane, fluffy tail and the jodhpur-like appearance of her legs.
You could not resist throwing in an strongly implied insult about by ability. I can’t accept it.
Patricia, thanks for enquiring. However, this is an old post.
do you still have kittens?
Great and thanks for visiting and commenting Diane.
We just adopted a cat from an animal shelter in Maine USA. His name is mike. He looks just like your cat. The vetteranarian said they thought he was Turkish angora and tabby. When I saw your picture I knew that was it. Showed my husband your picture and he thought I took a picture of our cat!
Hello. It is great to hear from China. I think, in fact, that you’re the first person to comment on this website who lives in China! It is nice to know what sort of cat breeds you are likely to see in China. I’m not surprised that the Angora cat is rare in China. The Angora has a long history. The name “Angora” in relation to cats is quite a tricky one in my opinion. We know the Turkish Angora very well but when the word “Angora” is used individually then it’s meaning becomes less clear in my opinion. The link below points to a page on this subject. And below that there is a link to articles on this website about “Angora” cats which many refer to the Turkish Angora.
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Thanks again for coming to this website and sharing. Come back and ask your friends to come back because I love to hear from China!