Feral cats Greece - Photo by mr savoury (Flickr)
Good day readers. Today I'd like to make everyone aware of the animal abuse that goes on in Greece. I didn't realize until I started researching this article that Greece has the highest per capita cases of animal abuse of anywhere in Europe.
The idea for this article came from a website a friend sent me the link to. There's actually an internet site in Greece where videos of animals being abused are posted as entertainment. This is one internet site we need to get shut down immediately. I've tried to find this site the petition links into where the abused animals are posted online for entertainment. No luck, but I signed the petition anyway.
The Greek government is likely aware this animal torture website exists and just doesn't care because nothing is being done to stop it. That's my opinion after researching this subject.
Here's a video showing how serious the animal abuse in Greece really is. DO NOT watch this video if you are easily upset. I'm only including it in this article as proof the problem is real and it's horrible.
Animal abuse in Greece is beginning to impact the tourist business. Those who have been to the country and witnessed first hand the abuse taking place say the abuse is a contradiction. The Greek people are among the friendliest people in the world. Greece is beautiful. But travelers are tiring of the abuse they see when they visit. Many are taking their euros elsewhere because of this.
The abuse of cats and dogs roaming free in Greece is the same suffered by the rest of the world. Abuse, neglect, abandonment, and inhumane slaughtering. The number of homeless animals is caused by the same problem we in the U.S. face- failure to spay/neuter. Prevention is not high on the list of Greek citizens.
One couple who witnessed a Greek restaurant owner kick away a starving dog stated the trip she was on in the country would be her last.
Greece is known for it's cats who wander freely in the streets. These cats are even used to promote the tourist trade. They're on calendars and t-shirts. Yet these same cats are poisoned and killed by the residents.
The overall problem seems to be how many residents of Greece view companion animals. Spay/neuter isn't taught because many of the citizens and also the government don't see the importance of TNR. So unless the people of that country change their perception of dogs and cats, the killing will probably continue.
This is a major concern to the good people (as most people in Greece ARE) of Greece who love their pets. They believe as the majority of us believe. That animal abuse is only one step away from abusing a human.
Greece needs the world to step up and make them understand animals should be protected by law. The abuse, which has gone on for many years, needs to stop. The laws are on the books and they should be enforced by the government.
More information on this problem can be found by typing "animal abuse in Greece" into your search engine.
Have any of the readers here visited Greece or any other country where cats and dogs are openly abused? I've never been outside the U.S. and trying my best to learn of other cultures.
My message to Greece is to clean up your act and stop the killing. Your tourist trade is going to suffer because people are getting tired of animal abuse. They'll spend their money in countries where the animals are treated with respect and love.
Selected Associated pages:
The Yearly Cull of Cats in Greece
Thanks, Linda, for your comment. It is shocking and frankly depressing. The attitude is horrendous. They’d do far better to channel all their energy into neutering programs to start to control the stray cat population than be cruel to stray cats who were put there by the citizens of Greece.
We witnessed the abuse of a cat in a Restaurant in Corfos, Mykonos, by a CHILD!
She enticed the poor innocent creature over with food, as soon as the the cat came over for the proffered food, she kicked it away. Then offered the food again to the poor creature and kicked it away again as soon as it came. It was heart breaking! Her Family seemed to be oblivious to her abhorrent behaviour. It actually reminded me of the Jamie Bulger case in the Uk. Lads of a similar age using their deranged power on an absolute innocent.
I agree entirely. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lisina. Humankind can be so cruel to animals. We are only just beginning to re-evaluate our attitude to animals. Exploitation has been the MO for eons (MO – modus operandi).