Imagine getting up to this scene of cat hoarding Armageddon every morning? It is a complete loss of control over one’s living space because no doubt a lot of the cats were not spayed or neutered and so they were breeding. This is one room in an apartment in Toronto Canada.

We know that cat hoarding is a mental health issue. I don’t think that it is very different to any other kind of hoarding. It’s probably born out of insecurity and other psychological issues. Coping or a lack of it plays a big role when it gets this bad.
The Story in Brief
The picture comes from Toronto Cat Rescue who worked with Toronto Animal Services a couple of days ago on this project. In all over 300 cats were in the apartment. Seventy cats were taken out on Saturday. They’re doing well in foster homes. Many volunteers helped. It’s the way they make things work through volunteers because this is a large-scale rescue and you need lots of people who are committed to go the extra mile under these circumstances.
They confirmed that the problem was due to the cats neither being spayed nor neutered so things got out of control very quickly. They say that if a person knows of another who is failing to cope like this person then they should report the matter by calling 311 and the person will be redirected to the appropriate department.
In Toronto, Toronto Cat Rescue, tell us that the maximum number of cats in a home is six. All the cats in the photograph will be spayed or neutered and vaccinated. They will be observed in their foster homes for behaviour and medical issues. They will the become available for adoption were appropriate. To help with this incredible rescue, please click to donate.
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