Can coronavirus be transmitted through sex?

Yes, traces of coronavirus in the semen of six men who had the disease have been found in a study. This raises concerns that Covid-19 can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Coronavirus can be spread through sex
Coronavirus can be spread through sex it appears based on a study.

The study concerned 38 patients of which 6 had recovered. One doctor asks that people who have recovered from coronavirus to abstain from having sex until the study’s finding has been confirmed.

The report comes from the online Mirror newspaper which does not provide details of the study at this time. It would be nice to see it. I will search for it. I don’t have more right now but this will be big news over the forthcoming days and weeks.

Update: the study comes from China. One man tested positive for the virus in his semen 16 days after contracting the disease and 3 days after recovery was clinically diagnosed.

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