Cartoon dogs is the other half of cartoon cats. I had to create this page as they frequently share the same screen in the same cartoon. However, as this is a big subject it is a growing page, as at April 2010. There is more to come. I list all the cartoon dogs that I can below. They are characters that are in leading roles or supporting roles |
This is a complete list. I am gradually adding links to pages on the characters:
People are invited to contribute should they wish by using the same form that I use and which is here. Update: I will be adding live links from Jan 2011.
I am cautious of using videos of cartoon dogs as they are in general protected by copyright, which can result in the video being pulled by the hosting company such as YouTube. This leaves a blank screen on the page and disappointment. It also means that I might be in breach of copyright and PoC always seeks to adhere to all copyright principles. Despite that, videos are on this site on the basis that the hosting site approves them.
O.K. here is the list. The links go to dogs whose names begin with the letter. The list is compartmentalized into alphabetical blocks. Otherwise just scroll down this long list of cartoon dog characters:
A | Ace, the Bat-Hound | Adam Fink | Alpo | Amos Goofy | Annabel | Argyle | Ashley | Astro | Augie Doggie | Augie the Dog | Aunt Matilda |
D | Dachsie | Daisy | Dalgoda | Danny | Danny Dog | Dawg | Demosthenes Goofy | Deputy Dawg | Desoto | Digger | Dimwit | Dinah | Dingbat | Dingdog | Dinky Dog | Dipper | Dirty Dawg | Dizzy Dog | Dr. Pierre Rovere | Dodger | Dog (1) | Dog (2) | Dog | Dogaroo | Dog Boy | Dogbert | Doggie Daddie | Dogman | Dogmatix | Dogzilla | Dollar | Dolly | Dotty | Dozer | Dribbles | Droopy | Duckworth | Duke | Dum Dum | Dumptruck | Duncan | Dweebs, The | Dynomutt |
H | Hairy Henry | Ham and Ex | Ham Burger | Hangdog | Happy | Harold the Hound | Haywire | Hazel | Hector Goofy | Herbert the Dog | Herman | Herman Feldman | Hilda | Homeless Hector | Hong Kong Phooey | Horatio Goofy | Horrors | Hot Dog | Howard Huge | Huckleberry Hound | Humphrey the Hound | Huncher | Hunter, The |
N | Nancy | Napoleon | Napoleon (Aristocrats) | Nugget | Nutsy | Nypto |
O | Oddball Couple, The | Odie | Officer B. Pupp | Olaf | Old Black Goofy | Old Red | Old Reliable | Old Whiff | Orbit | Otto |
R | Rex, The Wonder Dog | Rhubarb | Ribbons | Rita | Rivets | Rocki | Rodney | Roscoe | Rot | Rover | Rowlf the Dog | Rude Dog | Ruff | Rufferto | Rusty |
T | Tunderbolt | Thunderclap | Tige | Tinymite | Tippie | Tito | Toby | Toby the Pup | Top Dog | Tornado | Toughy | Towser | Tramp | Trouble | Trusty | Trypto | Tyke |
W | Wagger | Wags | Watt A. Dogg | Weakheart (1) | Weakheart (2) | Wellington Bulldog | Whimper | Wilbur | Winston | Winter | Wonder Dog | Woofer | Woofer and Wimper | Wyatt |
| B | Backstroke MacBull | Bandit | Barfy | Barkley | The Barkleys | Bar-ko | Barky | Beagle Boys, The | Beagles, The | Beans | Beauregard Bugleboy | Beegle Beagle | Beezlebub | Belle | Belvedere | Bib | Big Paw | Bimbo | Biskitts | Bitsy | Black Fury | Black Terrier | Blue Beagle | Bold Knight | Boris | Bow Wow Bandit | Bowser | Boy | Bozo | Brain | Brandon | Braveheart | Bristle Hound | Bristletooth | Broo | Bruno | Bubbles | Buffalo Bill Goofy | Buford | Bull | Bulldog Drumhead | Bullet | Bullseye and Tricky John | Bumper | Bungle Brothers, The | Buster | Butch | Butch the Pup |
G | Galus Goofy | Gaston Piston | General Snozzie | General Upheaval | Georgette | G.E.R.M.IN Shepherd (aka Cerberus) | Goldie | Goliath (1) | Goliath (2) | Goober | Goofy | Goofy Jr. | Gorgon | Granpa Scotty | Grimm |
I | Inspector Barker | Inspector Drummond |
J | James Hound | J. Crowsfoot Dryskin | Jess | Jock | John Paul Goofy | Judge Rummy | Julius | Junior |
M | Major | Major Sideburns | Mad Dog | Malamutt | Mandrake | Marbles | marc Antony | Marmaduke | McBarker | McGruff | Mercury | Mighty Knight | Mighty Manfred | Mike | Mike Barrier | Milou | Mr. Floogle | Mr. Peabody | Mrs. O’Grady | Mop Top | Morty the Dog | Ms. Lion | Mumbly | Musselmutt | Muttley | Muttsy |
S | Sam (Barfy) | Sam (Maxwell) | Sam Sheepdog | Sandy (1) | Scamp (Lady and the Tramp) | Scamp (Toby the Badger) | Schaeffer | Schnoz | Scooby-Doo | Sccoby-Dum | Scrappy-Doo | Seadog | Senor Dog | Shaggy Dog | Shamus | Sherlock | Sieg | Silly the Dog | Sir Cedric Goofy | Sir Cumference | Sir Hound and Lady Hound | Sir Loinsteak | Smidgen | Smilie | Snapper | Snert | Snoopy | Snuffles | Sonar | Sophia | Sourdough Sam | Spike (Droopy) | Spike (Heathcliff) | Spike (Snoopy) | Spike (Sylvester the Cat) | Spike (Tom and Jerrry | Spot | Spotty | Spotty the Pup | Stripe | Super Goof | Sweet Polly Purebred | Swifty |
| C | Canine the Barbarian | Canis | Captain Bark Rogers | Captain Cleo | Captain Ebeneezer Goofy | Carl | Caveman Goofy, aka Neanderthal Goofy | Charlie Dog | Chasney Zweibach | Chester (in Skaebirds) | Chester (in Sylvester the Cat) | Chief | Chief Mutt | Chips | Chopper | Chubb and Chaucey | Chu Chum | Clancy | Clifford | Cody the Dog | “Coffee” Coughlin | Coldlips | Colonel, The | Colonel Flake | Colonel K | Commander Sheepdog | Connie | Copper | Cortez Goofy | Cosmo | Cuddles | Custer |
E | Eagle Eye Buzard | Edsel Goofy | Einstein | Electra | Elmer | Elmo | Erik the Viking |
F | Farley | Farmer Bumpkin | Fido (1) | Fido (2) | Fido | Fifi | Fifi (in Pluto the Pup) | Fitz | Flash | Flatfoot | Flea Flea | Fleegle | Flip | Flookey | Flooky | Foofur | Francis | Fred | Fred Basset | Fritz-Carlos | Fugi | Fumbles | Fuzz |
K | King Looey XIV | Kipper | Kleine | Knockwurst | Krypto |
L | Lady | Lafayette | Leo Jr. | Leonardo da Goofy | Lewis Goofy | Livingstone “Wrong Way” Goofy | Lt. Saluki | Lint McFadden | Little Sneakers | Lockjaw | Louis | Lucky | Luke Tailwagger | Lulubel | Lupey |
P | Paddlefoot | Pajamas | Pansy | Pasha Poodle | Paw Paws | Pedro | Peg | Pepe | Percival Goofy | Pesky Pooch | Pete the Pup | Peter Pupp | Pilgrim Goofy | Pip | Pluto the Pup | Pluto Jr. | Police Chief O’Hara | Police Dog | Pongo and Perdita | Pooch (1) | Pooch (2) | Poochie | Poochies | Poopsie | Popski | Pound Puppies | Precious Pup | Prince | Prince, the Wonder Dog | Prince Charles | Professor Invento | Professor Shaggy Dog | Pup Star | Pupsy |
U | Uncle Fernando | Uncle Joe Goofy | Underdog |
Y | Yankee Poodle | Yellow Dog | Yippie | Yippie, Yappie and Yahooey | Yukk |
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