Christmas Comes Early For Walter and Jozef

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra

happy christmas poc
Poster: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Walter and Jozef love Christmas and even at twelve years old they get excited and run around playing more than usual, they must feel in the air that it’s a special time of year.

Or, maybe it’s because they get extra presents lol. Like their new scratching couch each, no they couldn’t allow them to be wrapped up for Santa Claws to deliver, as soon as the box with them in arrived, it had to be investigated. Catnip mice have been rolled around with and while Jozef’s is as good as new, Walters is chewed up already.

They have their own little tree and a present each still wrapped up, a tin of tuna and chicken we hope they will enjoy for their Christmas breakfast. They say they are unfortunate to live with vegetarians because cats don’t like Quorn lol but they will have cooked chicken for their dinner and they know it.

They have sorted their food cupboard out though to donate some sachets and trays they had more than enough of, to local cats in care, they are very kind boyz.

Last week they allowed me to accompany Barbara to her Funeralcare firm’s memorial carol service (us there in the pic) for the first time, other years they’ve been awol until it was too late to go and Babz has had to go alone.

We rarely go out on an evening so Jozef was happy when we returned. He always runs to greet us when we come home, Walter takes his time to stroll downstairs and say ‘huh so you are back are you?’ lol

I had to laugh as Barbara’s lovely boss said ‘Wow have Walter and Jozef let you come out tonight Ruth?’ She always asks about our cats when she calls in at Barbara’s office.

Well our cats are our family and we are a happy family and we wish everyone and their families, cats and people too, a purrfectly happy Christmas.

Ruth aka Kattaddorra

103 thoughts on “Christmas Comes Early For Walter and Jozef”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. That’s only their favourite play area
    For relaxing Walter claims the armchair and Jozef claims the two seater couch, guess where we sit? lol

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