by Maggie
Steven Austin, the president of the Pet Industry Association of Australia, holding his unfortunate victim.
It's already bad enough that Steve Austin is the president of the Pet Industry Association of Australia, thanks to him, thousands of cats are living in disgusting conditions, being forced to pump out litter after litter of kittens, to meet the demand of pet shops. But then he decides to go feral cat hunting, in fact, based on the photo above, I think I can even go as far to say that he went feral cat TROPHY hunting!
Yes, feral cats are a huge issue in Australia, and I've seen first hand the horrible effect cats can have upon our native animals (Toxoplasmosis in marsupials, for example) but cats should not be blamed for the fact that there's an over population of ferals in Australia. If anyone should be blamed, it's Steve Austin. Because while he's out hunting feral cats with his Springer Spaniel, kittens and cats are being purchased from pet shops, fuelled by the Pet Industry Association of Australia, undesexed.
Steve claims that he cares for our native wildlife. I'm sure he's never pulled over to the side of the road to pull a dying joey from the pouch of a dead possum or wallaby, whose body is so mangled, you can't believe how the joey managed to survive. Instead he and his dog go out hunting feral cats... Nice, Steve, those one or two cats you killed have really made a difference to the feral cat over population issue, and the welfare of our native animals looks so much brighter thanks to you... No, if Steve really wants to help our native wildlife and the feral cat over population issue, he can introduce mandatory desexing of all kittens that are sold from pet shops, or even better, stop ALL kittens from being sold from pet shops. Less undesexed kittens being sold in Australia, means less irresponsible owners breeding their cats, which means less cats will be here to have the option to breed with feral cats, and thus they cannot increase the feral population!
Yes, they might be feral, but that doesn't mean they're not breathing, living, sentient beings, who deserve respect, dignity and freedom from cruelty. And it certainly doesn't mean they can be treated with what could be described as brutality. They don't intentionally cause damage to wildlife, the damage they've done was not premeditated. Please speak up for Australia's ferals, this country sees them as a burden, and thinks that brutality is what they deserve. People like Steve Austin are not helping in changing this unfortunate reputation, that leaves cats at the hands of horrendous cruelty.
Killing feral cats, and then continuing to take your photo with the cat, whose life who you so carelessly took, is not acceptable. It's disturbing and sick. Please take action, and demand that this disgusting 'man' resigns as president of the Pet Industry Association of Australia. Write on their Facebook wall or contact them via their website to express your disgust for such horrendous disrespect to the lives of our beloved cats.
And, there is no public outcry?
I so hate whimps!
Thanks Laura. Great post. The Aussies have their heads screwed on wrong when it comes to feral cats.
I have been to Australia several times all over the country and stayed for more than 4 months each time
There are so many other feral animals to deal with and the government has no idea of how to handle these situations and furthermore could care less
They shoot their native wildlife 6.5 million Kangaroos and sell meat and skins a $400 million dollar a year business and horribly cruel industry. I have seen it up front!!
With this murderous massacre that happens every night of the week all over Australia, this should be a focus to stop not killing feral cats! The Kangaroos are slowly being wiped out!!