Do cats really need baths: If so, how often?

Cat being showered and washed

Until September 7th I will give 10 cents to an animal charity for every comment. It is a way to help animal welfare without much effort at no cost. Comments help this website too, which is about animal welfare.

Folks who are new to kitty guardianship often ask if bathing a cat is necessary, and if so, how often should they be bathed?

In this writer’s opinion, since cats come equipped with perfect grooming tools – teeth and a rough tongue – their instinctual drive to keep their coats clean and shiny, makes bathing a cat necessary only when they have gotten into something that’s really sticky or smelly.

This said there are a few feline breeds that require bathing on a regular basis. For example, the Sphynx lacks a sufficient hair coat to absorb the oils on their skin.

These kitties need to be bathed at least once a week to prevent their pores from being clogged which can lead to major skin irritations. And the oil on their skin attracts dirt. They can become smelly and sticky. The attraction of the hairless coat no longer appeals in quite the same way. They are relatively high maintenance cat companions.


Some feline experts recommend that Persians should be groomed daily, and should be bathed fairly regularly to keep them clean and sweet-smelling. Also, they need their faces cleaned regularly because of tear duct overflow fur to blocked tear ducks. This causes staining under the eye down the side of the nose on both sides. Additionally, to keep their coats in top condition, show cats are often bathed prior to competition.

In case the situation arises where a kitty is in need of a bath, what are some of the steps a feline guardian can take to make bath-time a lot easier and less stressful for both the kitty and for themselves?

Timing is everything: The best time to give a cat a bath is when the kitty is feeling relaxed and mellow. Some people recommend playing with their cats before bathing them to tire them. Purrsonally I disagree. Even though a cat can get off a lot of excess energy during an intense interactive play session, sometimes they can actually get over-stimulated; preferring to continue the game.

Trimming kitty’s nails before bathing them is extremely wise. Brushing their coat, thoroughly to remove any excessive hair or mats is also helpful. To prevent kitty from getting water into their sensitive ears (only if they willingly accept this step without becoming agitated) gently place a cotton ball into their ears.

To prevent kitty from slipping and to give her security and extra confidence, place a rubber mat in the bottom of the tub or sink where kitty will be bathed. Fill the tub or sink with only three or four inches of lukewarm water. Using a hand-held spray hose, or an unbreakable cup or plastic pitcher, gently and methodically wet the kitty down; taking extra care not to get water into the cat’s nose, ears or eyes.

Only use a shampoo made for cats since human shampoo may be too harsh, drying out kitty’s skin. Start gently massaging the soap into the fur, working down from the head to the tail – in the same direction that the hair is growing. Be very careful not to get any lather into the kitty’s nose, eyes and ears. To clean the cat’s face, gently use a washcloth dampened with clean lukewarm water. Be sure to gently wash kitty’s nail-beds to remove any greasy grime.

Using the hose spray, pitcher or cup, carefully rinse kitty off with lukewarm water. Be sure that any traces of shampoo are rinsed away. Have a soft, (preferably cotton) towel ready in which to wrap up the cat. Some cats struggle energetically to get out of the towel. Work gently but quickly to get kitty as dry as possible. Some cats may even tolerate being blown dry with a hairdryer set on the lowest heat setting. With long-haired kitties check for any matted fur. Use a wide-tooth comb to carefully untangle any knots.

Following the bath be sure to keep kitty in a warm, draft-free area until she is thoroughly dry. To make bathing a more pleasant experience, reward her with her favorite treat. Using positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to help turn something that some cats may initially consider a negative experience into something that is no big deal.

Some cats take to bathing like a fish takes to water. In the video uploaded to YouTube by RitaTheCornishRex, apparently after some minor protestations, Rita ultimately does get into the “swim” of things!

When do you give your cat a bath? How does your cat react to bathing? Tell us about it in a comment. Note: this article was first published on March 19, 2014, over 8 years ago. It has been upgraded and republished today (date of post).


Photo credit: Flickr User Finn Frode — Finn used to be a regular contributor to PoC. Come back Finn! This is one of his posts.

Below are some articles on bathing cats.

59 thoughts on “Do cats really need baths: If so, how often?”

  1. My 2 sphynxes get bathed every 3 weeks. I guess a couple of you that don’t believe cats should be hairless can hate me. I had 2 Siamese before that never needed bathing. All my cats are strictly indoors so they don’t have the opportunity to get dirty (except for their paws but oh well).

  2. And if they spayed their cats before their first estrus, they would virtually eliminate mammary cancer, and of course uterine and ovarian cancer in their cats.

    It just galls me no end, Michael.

  3. Since [sigh], you don’t have this problem over in England, I am speaking specifically about the underlying issues we have over here with the populace being undereducated when it comes to allowing their felines to breed in the domestic way. Household. No thought, it seems, to asking, “Maybe I should seek out help, and get my loved cat neutered/spayed… Maybe I should care just a wee bit more about my pet?”

    Personally, I have witnessed far too much complacency in too many households, and the majority of them are not what you would consider “mentally challenged” nor “mentally unstable.”

    • We do have problems here too with un-neutered cats but not on such a large scale as you do because Cats Protection help people on a low income with a voucher, although too many still don’t take advantage of it.

      • heh. I was mainly reminiscing about those in our middle class, who seem to think that they can not be bothered by it. 🙁

    • What galls me the most, Caroline, are the idiots (yes I mean “idiots” that don’t have a clue about the vast overpopulation of kitties here- but MUST let little “Fluffy” have a litter so their darling child can see the “miracle” of birth.

      With all the webcams on the Internet it takes but a few minutes to find one that some breeders upload so people CAN see kittens being born.

      When I become completely frustrated trying to explain to people who insist on letting “Fluffy” have that litter and won’t listen to reason, I suggest they take their child to a shelter to witness the NOT SO MIRACLE of death.

      It just gets me so furious- keeping my cool is extremely hard.

      • Some cat owners believe that a female cat should have one litter before being spayed. I think it is because they believe their character is improved. Something like that. That simple belief results in hundreds of thousands of unwanted cats, annually.

  4. Whenever I attempt to rescue, I will give a bath in baking soda and vinegar, just a couple of T. per gallon of body temp water. It has always been the case where I have experienced the water turning red from flea frass. Usually the kitten, or even cat, is too ill to tolerate a flea product like Advantage II at proper dose, without taking in adequate amounts of water. Actually the poor thing needs to be taken to your vet or emergency vet ASAP! But sometimes you don’t have this option. My home remedy is not the best solution, but I have used it to save neglected kittens that have been brought to my attention. And then I call the emergency vet service.

    All to often, here in the states, animal control does nothing other than posting a 30-day warning to take care of the problem, and then a followup that is too late and not thorough. 🙁 (Yet those of us who keep Animal Control operating by paying up the wazoo, are fined for being responsible, so to speak.)

    Really, it is all about common sense. You cannot know, other than fleas, for the most part, what these poor dears have gotten in to. Use your intuition. I have rescued kittens when Animal Control did nothing except issue a 30-day warning to the resident. I have had them die in my arms on the way to the emergency vet, due to their weak state. Too many of us have experienced these situations, and it is never a good day, to say the least.

    Guess I’m off on a verbose tangent there, Jo. Sorry 🙁

    • Caroline I think it would be interesting to read an article about your cat rescue, it sounds like you’ve done quite a lot 🙂

      • I have not done really anything, and I know it. (my mistake for having commented.) I would much rather talk about the soil warming up and all, you know? But then, that is not what this site is about, really. 🙂 Still, that is more fun! <3

    • Animal Control did nothing except issue a 30-day warning to the resident

      Sorry, Caroline, I have not followed this thread but could you explain what the above quote means? How many feral cats are there around where you live? Do you bump into them all the time or just very rarely? I ask that because living in London I’ve never seen them. In fact living anywhere in England I have never seen them; just the odd domestic cat sitting on wall or in a communal garden.

      • I’m not talking about the colonies, Michael, but rather about those that seem to live -barely live- under the radar. Animal Control does not seem to give a damn, “A rat’s ass.”

      • Our Cats Protection branch care for some feral colonies Michael and Kays Hill and some farms here have some ferals too, so we do have some up North.

      • Here, here. Totally feel for you there in Florida. Same thing here in Nebraska. Hopefully, we will get some articles posted here on this topic soon…

      • We have The Cat House and Dr. Becky from All-Feline Hospital who take care of our colonies, besides those of us anonymous. Our colonies here in the big town of Lincoln, 300,000 human pop. Thanks to them, our feral colonies are almost gone. <3 What I am talking about -Dee and others know– are those humans [id*ots] who don't care. They exist mainly in the middle classes, no distinction.

    • I can’t add much to the many comments I’ve made in the past about shelters and their puppets, Animal Control.
      They aren’t a helping group. They seem to be on a mission of search and destroy.

      I have only ever received 10 minute warnings from AC ordering me to present evidence of current rabies vaccinations for every cat on my deck. And, NONE had better be seen free roaming. Here, they don’t hesitate to hand out hefty fines, court dates, or confiscate cats.


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