Euthanizing a companion animal due to behavioral problems. Are there alternatives?

Bad cat behavior leading to euthanasia

Problematic behavioral problems in companion animals are one of the most frustrating and emotionally draining challenges for their owners. Resolving these problems can often be extremely difficult; especially for animals who are hard to handle, aggressive and/or destructive. In these cases owners may become frightened of their pet and truly believe that the only …

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Why are cats referred to as “it”? Should their status remain as “property”?

The folks who often visit Pictures of (PoC) love their kitties and the majority of kitty guardians consider their cats as family members. Sharing our hearts and homes with these delightful animals gives us a great deal of pleasure and in this writer’s opinion; nothing beats the unconditional love that feline companions give …

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Do senior cats have special needs? Living with elderly cats.

Elderly cat care

Lately it seems that it’s been getting a lot more difficult for me to grasp the fact that it’s been almost fourteen years since we welcomed Dr. Hush Puppy and Sir Hubble Pinkerton, our two amazing, beautiful four month-old Oriental Shorthair kittens into our family. It often feels that it was just yesterday that …

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