Are Sphynx cats hypoallergenic? Infographic.

The infographic below provides my answer, as I see it. You will see different answers on the internet an as provided by AI. I believe my answer is reasonable and plausible. Please contribute by commenting; particularly those who live with a hairless cat and who are allergic to cats! How many of these people …

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Infographic about ‘Bullycats’. Vets warn of painful fate for this hairless breed.

Dwelf or Bullycat

The infographic summarises the situation concisely. Below it I add some detail. The ‘Bullycat’ is clearly a spinoff from the American XL Bully dog which gained such notoriety particularly in the UK where they are now banned thanks to a targeted amendment to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. But the Bullycat is not a …

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Sphynx cat breed has the shortest life expectancy of 6.68 years

Sphynx cat

A comprehensive UK study conducted in 2019-2021 and published in 2024 concluded that the Sphynx cat breed “had the shortest life expectancy at year 0 among the analysed breeds at 6.68 years. Being entire, purebred and with a non-ideal body weight were significantly linked to a decreased lifespan.” The word “entire” means unsterilised. The …

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What are the top five most expensive cat breeds in the world?

Bengal and Sphynx cats

Here are the top five most expensive cat breeds in the world (2024), along with their fascinating features and price ranges. This list is somewhat subjective. There are many infuencing factors which dictate price and these cut across the breeds. But this list is a fair answer to the question. The sources are numerous …

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Sphynx cats are high maintenance

Sphynx cats are high maintenance

The sphynx cat breed has become one of the most popular over the past 5-10 years. This is due to their unique and unusual appearance and what is said to be their intelligence. They have a monkey-like character and abilities and can make excellent companions with the right person who should realise, before adopting, …

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Sphynx breed standard – summary plus illustration

Sphynx Cat photographed by Helmi Flick

This is an illustrated version of the breed standard for the purebred Sphynx cat. This an interesting, intelligent cat that is nice to touch and hold – the feel of warm, silky chamois leather. The photograph is by the celebrated cat photographer, Helmi Flick. It is protected by copyright, which I ask you to …

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Picture of a muscle-bound Sphynx cat

Picture of a muscle-bound Sphynx cat who suffers from myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy

This is my second picture of a muscle-bound hairless (Sphynx) cat which shows the condition that they are suffering from very clearly. Click here to see the other image. It is a very peculiar condition. Perhaps it is advantageous to the cat to have these huge muscles? But apparently not (see below). Are there …

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