Does the declawing of cats in America damage America’s reputation?
by Michael
(London, UK)
This is Michael introducing a short post by an Australian. I have to introduce it because it is very harsh and some might say it is rude and impolite. It might upset Americans. I don’t want to upset Americans!
But I feel that I have to publish it because it seems to have some merit as a discussion point.
Personally I like America. I like the space, the prices and the people are friendly.
But the perception of America by non-Americans can sometimes be wrong and it seems that there are a lot of people who dislike the American style of doing things. A lot of people dislike the British style of doing things too for that matter.
But only Americans declaw cats. It is the only place in the world where this peculiarly horrible idea exists that you can treat a companion animal as a modifiable object to suit the cat owner and make the cat more convenient to the detriment of the cat and his or her health.
Is declawing a bad symptom of the American way of life and the reason why this Australian is so critical of Americans?
Or is Nicki just an exception? Here is the unabridged and unamended text of Nicki’s short post:
“most of u americans are parasites u are hated all over the world and u know who u are DECLAWING CATS should be made illegal in ur country but instead other pathetic things are illegal instead ur law is barbaric l hope any of u that declaw ur cat gets bad karma and u lose all ur fingers and toes from a disease this is what u deserve see how u like it mongrel lowlife dogs from hell! ( and this message is not to all americans as l know alot of u do the right thing towards ur pet cat just to some of u)” — N.Fox (Nicki – Australia)
Do you think Nicki is way out of line?