Feline Babysitter at Work: Is This What it Seems?

The description of this cat’s behavior is of a caring cat, Stewie, who wants to settle down the crying baby, Connar, with a gentle, paternal pat on the head. When Stewie first heard Connar he was confused and then he seems to have decided to step in to do his fatherly bit. The video maker writes: “Our cat Stewie helps put our new baby Connar to sleep”.


It could all be true and as stated but I doubt it. I don’t want to be killjoy but a realist. My guess is that like all domestic cats he likes to touch human companions. You often see cats reaching out with their paws to touch a person’s hand or the paw of another companion animal who is part of the family. In addition, cats like the scent of their human companions and Stewie is no different. Connar is his human “friend” and he wants to have contact with him. That is the extent of it.

Connar may have stopped crying because of Stewie’s touch. That is certainly possible. Alternatively, it may be coincidental. Cats do have emotions and connections with other animals. The domestic cat has, as we know, become quite social compared to his solitary wild ancestor. However, we have to be careful that we don’t ascribe human traits to domestic cats (anthropomorphise). It’s cute when we do but I am not sure it is a good idea.

6 thoughts on “Feline Babysitter at Work: Is This What it Seems?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Even though the person taping is close by, one wrong move with the cat’s claws could mean disaster. It’s foolish to trust any animal with a baby or young child.
    They can hurt them unintentionally.

    Consider how many times your cats have hurt you with scratches or bites. Most times we’re surprised by this unexpected behavior. As adults, we can react in a way that a child is unable to.

    It’s a cute, but dangerous situation.

  3. I agree Eva. People like these cute videos of a cat seemingly mothering a human child but strip away the cuteness and it is not so wise.

  4. Very touching-LOL-
    Consider the safety of the babies eyes while your enjoying all this love and attention for him. Right ?! you can’t really scold the cat when you have given it free reign over the newbie.
    Eva says

  5. I agree. It is not clear what is happening in Stewie’s mind. Even the most expert of persons will know for sure.

  6. Michael, I’d like to think that Stewie is actually concerned and soothing the baby is his intent, but your explanation is very plausible too. Either way, that kid is lucky to be growing up around a beautiful cat like that.

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