Natasha Fadeeva makes beautifully delicate and evocative stuffed animals including cats. I prefer the phrase “plush toy” to “stuffed animal”. Sorry. Natasha knits mohair to make the animal. Mohair comes from the Angora goat.
Here are three examples of her work. Here is her website. Natasha takes fine photographs too. They are closely matched in mood and lighting to the style of the animals she makes by hand.
The center photo is of a sad cat. Natasha seems to be aware that there are lots of sad street cats. I think these stuffed mohair cats make excellent Christmas presents for cat lovers. They cost around $150 each. I would expect that she ships them internationally.
Me too, but I sense a sadness actually. This may come from the creator’s feelings about cats that abandoned, stray, feral and abused etc. There is a message there. Far too many cats don’t have the lives they should have.
Me too Michael but a feeling that I really can’t put my finger on
I know what you mean Ruth making a cute animal from a real animal is somehow sick. Its like a trick somehow I can’t really explain a bit like a slap for being an animal lover. These things should have a label on with what they are made out of like most other things.
I don’t dislike them, they are a work of art, but I wouldn’t want one, it’s hard to explain how I feel about toys or ornaments staring with ‘dead eyes’
Someone once sent me a furry cat as a present and I thought it was beautiful until I discovered that those cats are made abroad with the skin and fur of real cats. I felt sick that people were buying into this cruelty.
I’m sure all cat lovers can imagine how I felt and why I don’t like anything looking even remotely like a real animal.
I think you are right Leah. I think they are meant to look a bit “other world”, not real and to create a “feeling” rather than be a realistic representation. I likes them because they do create a feeling for me.