By Furby the Feral
Furby's 1st pic and Furby being Furby
Hi again everybody. It's Furby and I'm here to tell you how I got my name. I thought I'd NEVER get mama away from the story she was writing about taking pictures of cats. I had to get up in her lap and start rolling to make her finish because me and the keyboard don't fit at the same time.
By the way - PLEASE don't read that story. If you start sharing your cat photos mama will want to take more pictures of ME. I'm not even safe upside down on her lap.
My earth daddy who is now in heaven came to me the day mama found me and explained what all we had to do (this is my story and how I was found). He said we were going to have a busy day and we had to get this exactly right for me to be in the right place at the right time. He told me I had to go back to the barn where I try to keep warm and sleep. I have to cross the road at the right time for mama to see me but not so soon that she runs over me and not so late that she doesn't see me. I hope I'm smart enough to remember all that.

This is me as an oil painting - Photo by Joyce Sammons
He picked me up and told me a story. I found out I wasn't the first Furby mama had been fond of. There were two other Furbys before me and they were toys. And just like me they were hard to find and were cherished. Daddy said that the two Furbys would talk to each other and mama would laugh and laugh at them. But that's not really why she named me Furby.
Back then mama and daddy only had one dog critter living in the house and that was my best buddy Dreyfuss. He's a good dog and stays out of the trash and knows how to ask to go to the bathroom. He had (and still has) one bad habit. He likes to chew the stuffing out of toys. He's almost ten years old now and still does this. Sometimes HE'S not too smart either!
Daddy told me he had a shelf over his day bed and the two Furbys slept there are night. I can't blame them - I like to sleep high up too so I can watch the dog critters. One night after mama had gone to bed in her room and daddy had gone to bed on his day bed something funny happened. He woke up in the middle of the night and sat up and was about to go for a glass of water when-COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! GOOD MORNING!.
He had woke up the Furby's and was too sleepy to know what had happened. He said it about scared him half to death. When he told mama the story she laughed so hard she almost cried. I know what it's like to almost be scared half to death. Just think. Daddy being scared that one night means I'll never have to be scared again because he sent me to mama.
He picked me up and kissed my nose (I love nose kisses best) and told me I had to hurry and to take care of mama when I found her and she found me. He said he had to go away and tell mama to leave the place where she was saying goodbye to him and he would see us both again some day. I hope he comes back and tells me more funny stories about mama because I can tell you I have the best family in the world now.
So now everybody knows how I got my name. Mama kept trying to change it the first few weeks. She told me the reason she named me Furby was I looked like a ball of fur. She also called me these: Angel, Frankenfurby, Little Monster, Trouble and Emri. Emri is my Turkish Angora name meaning home ruler so I'll answer to that one.
Daddy finally got it into her head to leave my name alone and keep calling me Furby. Every time she says my name I know she's thinking of daddy and that funny story. I hope she knows daddy helped name me and that I'm happy now. I still can't purr thou.