Sound healing and how the cat’s purr can help heal and relieve pain (science)

The cat's purr has healing properties are supported by scientific studies

Anecdotally we hear quite a lot about the healing powers of the cat’s purr. I decided to dig around a bit to see if I could find some scientific studies to back up the anecdotal evidence. Here are some examples of sound healing both involving the cat’s purr and other resources. The dominant frequencies …

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Cat raised with dogs learned to bark

Cat that barks as they were raised with dogs

This cute tabby subadult really does bark! It is a bit surprising to see it happen as described in the title to the video on Twitter X. But it is unsurprising when we are told that he/she was raised by a dog, I am guessing, among puppies. RELATED: 3 sounds that a domestic cat …

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What animals other than domestic cats can purr?

Raccoon purring

The domestic cat purr has been discussed at great length in Internet articles and in scientific studies. We all know about it and enjoy it. Some wild cats also purr such as the cheetah, bobcat, puma, ocelot for example. Their purrs are stronger than that of the domestic cat. The “big cats”, that famous …

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Revisiting the “two talking cats” video and understanding what they are saying

Two talking cats. What are they talking about?

The truly unique “two talking cats” video on YouTube has been seen 103 million times which is unsurprising. Or perhaps it might be fair to say that it’s unique to capture on video cats talking to themselves like this. It possibly happens from time to time but it must be extremely rare. But what …

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Purring is caused by a simple airflow over connective tissue masses embedded in the vocal fold of the larynx

The cat purr is produced by air passing through the larynx and there are no muscle contractions

Cat purring is like people talking with a vocal fry. Researchers of a new study – read on. There have been lots of theories about how domestic cats purr. At one time some experts thought that it was caused by turbulent blood! And Dr. Desmond Morris gets close to understanding how the purr sound …

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Cat’s meow is a reflection of the kitten-to-surrogate mother relationship we have with them

Cat's meow

There are two very well-known biologists and cat behaviourists who, in my view, agree on this point which is that the domestic cat sees us as surrogate mothers. We don’t quite know how they really process their observations of us but in terms of their behaviour towards us it reflects a kitten-to-mother relationship. These …

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Kitten’s cry versus baby’s cry

Kitten Crying

A kitten’s cry to demand something or other, usually warmth, food and security is more attractive than the baby’s cry. Discuss! Both the kitten’s cry and the baby’s cry are sounds which get the maternal and paternal juices flowing normally. It doesn’t always apply. Not everybody has the usual maternal instincts. There is a …

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The cat’s meow and talkative cat breeds

Female cat's meow is like music

This is a brief discussion on the well-known domestic cat’s meow and talkative cat breeds. You will see some websites proclaiming confidently that certain cat breeds are more talkative than others but I wouldn’t be so certain. Often it is an individual cat trait and it also depend a lot on the relationship between …

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