Similarity of all cat species indicates evolution has attained perfection

Cats are perfectly evolved

The similarity of all cat species from the modest domestic cat to the massive Siberian tiger, in terms of their anatomy and behaviour, indicates that through eons of evolution, this species of predator has been perfected. There is no more work for evolution to do. This is the thought of an evolutionary biologist, Anjali …

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180,000 cat mummies ground into fertilizer in UK

Ancient Egyptian cat mummy in a tomb

This is a fascinating – and slightly horrifying – story from the 19th century. 🙀 Here’s the story: in the 1800s, there was a booming trade in mummies and mummy parts. Egyptians mummified a lot of animals, especially cats, which were sacred creatures in their culture. Victorians, however, didn’t see these mummies as cultural …

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Picture of a domestic cat outside an Egyptian temple

Picture of an Egyptian domestic cat outside a temple in which the cat looks like an ancient Egyptian statue

This is a lovely photograph as the cat looks like an ancient Egyptian statue. All the ancient Egyptian statues depict elegant, rather slender, shorthaired cats. They remind me of today’s Abyssinian cat and there may be a connection there but there is no evidence. This cat has a grey coat and steely, golden eyes …

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Texas had its very own saber-toothed tiger

Saber-toothed tiger

RELATED: Saber Tooth Tiger Here’s a summary of the study titled “The scimitar-cat Homotherium from the submerged continental shelf of the Gulf Coast of Texas”: Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin made an intriguing discovery using an unassuming fossil. The fossil, which initially appeared as a lumpy, rounded rock with exposed teeth, …

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Ignorance and literal belief in Bible makes for murder and animal abuse

Biblical concept of human dominion over animals

Although the Bible has many good aspects it also has bad. Many scholars have criticised the Bible which was written around 100 years after the death of Jesus. Why should millions of people follow the advice of people who lived two thousand years ago when the world was far more ignorant than today? The …

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Cat breeds that were created in the US (45 in all)

Different types of domestic cat. Forty-five breeds have been created in the US.

Here’s a list of cat breeds that were created in the US. Unsurprisingly, no other country comes close to the US in this respect. It is the world’s largest purebred cat market by quite a considerable distance. Why is America the leading country for the domestic cat and particularly the purebred cat? I’ll focus …

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Reason why jet-black moggie cats are relatively rare (in an infographic)

Why do so many black cats have a few white hairs? Answer in an infographic.

This post has been deliberately précised into an infographic. I am summarising in a few words hundreds of years of black cat history. 😉 But that is the point. To try and focus on the knub of the matter. The ad hoc development of the moggie black cat in which random-bred cats with jet-black …

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