Feral, stray and domestic cat contraception roundup. Infographic.

Cat contraception would be wonderful especially for feral cats with a focus on the persecuted feral cats of Australia. Think of the huge amount of pain and distress caused to feral cats by the authorities on that continent in an effort to make feral cats extinct through shooting and poisoning. Contraception would be painless …

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Humans created the mess making cat culling necessary

Image by DALL·E 2024-10-30 08.13.04 - A wild, feral cat on a remote island, with rough, matted fur and intense eyes, prowling across rocky terrain. The island is rugged with sparse vegetation. The cat preys on a captive native island species unfamiliar with predators.

The BBC is asking whether cats should be culled to stop extinctions. Of course, the author is discussing the culling of feral cats primarily in places where there are native species preyed upon by these cats. There have been rare instances of species being made extinct by predation from feral cats; hence the question. …

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Using gene therapy to achieve long-term reproductive control in female cats

Durable contraceptives for feral cats

This is a report on a study looking at a durable contraceptive for female feral cats to try and control numbers in the US. We constantly read about feral cats decimating wildlife although, if we are honest, we don’t know accurately the impact feral cats have on the population numbers of the feral cats’ …

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Have you ever been lucky enough to see a Disneyland cat? Answers on Reddit.com.

The feral cats of Disneyland Anaheim

Reddit.com is Google’s favourite at the moment. A big favorite. And they have a ‘sub-reddit’ (a reddit discussion topic) about Disneyland. An ideal opportunity to rely on the small army of Reddit users to answer the question in the title: Have you ever been lucky enough to see a Disneyland cat? Which was lifted …

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Blowing up rabbits to get rid of feral cats in Australia

Called ‘rabbit warren ripping’ it is blowing up a lot or rabbits to try and remove a prey animal of the feral cat

The latest wheeze by the Australian authorities to keep down the feral cat population on their continent is to blowup rabbits and their homes. Rabbits are a prey animal for feral cats and the argument is that if you destroy rabbits you destroy feral cats because they might starve to death which I think …

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The problem with community cats is that in general they don’t receive veterinary treatment

Arturito, a stray cat from outside the cemetery, visits daily to benefit from Pisani’s feedings [Maria Amasanti/Al Jazeera]

All over the world there are community cats. Often the general feeling is that they live reasonable lives. These are cats that don’t have owners, a specific caregiver. They are rather loosely cared for by people living in the community; shop owners, perhaps workers and passers-by and residents. They might be attached to a …

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A question about a feral cat’s aggressive behavior

Aggressive feral cat

By Karen (Vermont): I have had many strays. This particular cat was hiding in our shed and wood pile as a kitten all last winter. Now it is coming right up to the house meowing and hissing for food. In the last three weeks it has become more demanding and agitated. The other day …

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