Is this Jackson Galaxy picture of a cat OK?

I don’t get it. I know Jackson Galaxy runs a business and he has to generate some hype and pizzazz with his personal image and his website etc. but, for me, this image goes too far. It is damaging to the domestic cat. A lot of people are gullible. They take in these images and start believing that cats are dangerous and aggressive or worse – evil. Although I’d like to say that Jackson is undoubtedly good and good for the cat in general. I just think this publicity is overdone and can hurt the public profile of the domestic cat.

There is already enough historical baggage which damages the public profile of the cat to add to it unnecessarily. I don’t wish to criticise Jackson Galaxy because he is a good cat behaviorist and he respects the cat but I think he should direct his publicist to trim back on the pizzazz at the expense of the domestic cat:

Jackson Galaxy cat from hell promo picture
Jackson Galaxy cat from hell promo picture. Picture courtesy Animal Planet

This is the webpage it comes from:

Jackson galaxy cat- from hell picture

17 thoughts on “Is this Jackson Galaxy picture of a cat OK?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Remember that horrible video of a cat being forced to sit in a bathtub and his spirit is obviously broken. I think it was titled, “Cat meows under water.” That video was featured on a show of funny cat videos, with celebrities commenting on the videos. Jackson Galaxy commented on that one and just said something like, “Cats don’t generally like water.” Another celebrity said, “That kitty will be so nice and clean after his bath.” As if the intent ever was to give that cat a bath. I just can’t believe Jackson would not have stood up for the cat in that case and said, “This looks like an abuse situation and there is nothing funny or cute about this video.”

  3. No I don’t like the way the cat is misrepresented as some sort of horror movie character, it’s all about publicity for the TV channel to my mind. Too commercialised, get back to basics Cat Daddy.

  4. I don’t like it either, it’s garish and it makes Jackson look like a worker on a building site, not a cat ‘expert’
    No cats are horrible and no cats are from hell.
    I used to admire this man very much but it seems as if since his fame has spread he’s been ‘taken over’ by it and it’s more about publicity than cats.
    He needs to go back to quietly doing his job and helping cats who live in hell on earth because of their ignorant owners!

  5. ‘There’s N-O-O-O bizniz like S-H-H-O-O W bizniz!’ as Ms. Merman belted out.

    ‘Vulgar’ (vulgus) means the ‘general population.’ It also means crude.

    Some viewers had a problem with Steve Irwin. For all the good he may have achieved and for all his ebullience, he occupied the far end of the spectrum from another animal-rights person – the quiet and self-effacing Jane Goodall, who respected her friends.

    The general populace likes lots of action, especially whooping displays of people ’mastering’ animals. Examples? Groin-cinched bucking broncos and bulls. Bull fights. Minoan bull-dancers. Circus chimps, tigers, elephants and dogs trained to entertain the crowd.

    Unlike Mr. Galaxy, Mr. Irwin provoked his co-stars with shoutings and arm-wavings, flying leaps onto crocodiles to pry open their jaws or tie them with a rope, wrestling and throwing snakes into the air. Then dragging these animals on to TV talk shows.

    It goes without saying his camera crew needed non-stop action. Thus, conflicting reports as to whether or not he was annoying the manta ray. Some animals are busy & noisy. Others cherish quietude. Boring to the fans. Also an unflattering contrast between the dignity of an animal’s self-containment and that of a showman who goads the animal to its limit, flaunting his prowess in outsmarting the poor creature and squelching its ‘savagery.’

    In a nutshell, how many cats does Mr. Galaxy’s poster represent? Zero? Near-zero?

  6. Not at all keen tbh a lot of people think that cats are evil even there is not real justification for it so this just endorses their belief because that cat looks scary 🙁

  7. This imagery was put together by a graphic artist or even a team of graphic artist. I’m sure there were many voices stating their opinions on the project. Graphic Artists depend heavily on Peer-Review and Client-Input (read boss in this case). So while I do think the Cat Daddy had a say, I bet his may not of been the last word. Perhaps a compromise was made, who knows? With all that said, here is my Peer-Review:

    While I like the idea, I think the Photoshop work on the cat is a B at best. The visual heirarchy is well thought out (you see the cat first, then the title, then Jacksona and finally the Animal Planet Tag) but the placement of the objects feel wrong. The white space (the background) balance is askew. If you removed the Animal Planet logo is out-of-place. I think it may be the element that has thrown the whole piece off. It looks like it was placed as an aftertought. Jackson should be more dominant. The lettering is nice, but could use a little flair. Over all I give it a B-.

    My opinion? It is in poor taste since it is so poorly done. It feels off, it feels wrong. If it was properly proportioned and all the elements were married together properly… Plus the Photoshopping was done better, it would still only be an A-. It needs more imagination and creativity to work.

    • Thanks Dan for casting a professional eye over it. I agree that Galaxy probably had little say in the matter but I think he should have a say and he should demand that the cat is portrayed as a nice companion. The phrase “my cat form hell” is wrong for me. No cats are from hell and no cat behaves as if she came from hell. It would be better if the image portrayed harmony – the situation after Jackson had done his work.

    • Great comment, Dan! You saw so much that I never would have noticed. After reading your analysis I can see that you are right. It’s not just in poor taste, it’s not a very professional looking job.


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