Kristen Lindsey Caught Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)

I am starting to feel bad about criticising Kristen Lindsey (KL) for her infamous cat cruelty but she deserves it so I stop feeling bad. In my most recent article, I mentioned that someone who knew her said that she had a drink/drugs problem.

kristen Lindsey and her mother
Kristen Lindsey and her mother

Well, here is some evidence which indicates that it is true. KL has been nicked (arrested) for drink driving – driving while intoxicated (DWI) – and will appear at the Harris County Court on May 9th (Cause No. 2081246). This has been reported on the Tiger’s Justice Team News.

KL was arrested at 1:22 am on March 21st in Houston. She had been breathalyzed which indicated a blood alcohol concentration almost twice the legal limit.

DWI is a class A misdemeanour in the state of Texas for first offence. KL was released on bail on a $1000 surety (bond).

KL now has to comply with certain conditions until her trial. These are:

  1. being forbidden to use, possess or consume any alcohol, controlled substances or prescription drug not lawfully prescribed.
  2. submit to random drug testing
  3. pay for the random drug test
  4. have an ignition interlock device (see below) fitted on her main car
  5. forbidden to drive any vehicle without said device installed

An ignition interlock device or breath alcohol ignition interlock device (IID and BAIID) is a breathalyzer for an individual’s vehicle (so says Wikipedia).

The device requires the driver to blow into a mouthpiece before starting the vehicle. The car won’t start if the alcohol level is too high. KL’s lawyer in this matter is William “Wes” Weston Rucker III.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) state that a when a driver is caught DWI for the first time, on average, that person has done the same thing without being caught 80 times. If that is true for KL, not only is she a major hazard to cats and other animals but to other road users too.

Source: (Elisa Black-Taylor)

19 thoughts on “Kristen Lindsey Caught Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)”

  1. Yes, well said Eva. I think you’ve made a very astute point there. Her father too should be in the discussion.

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