Muslim “Auntie” in Singapore is inconsolable when cat is rescued but says cat is not hers

Cat rescue Singapore
Cat rescue Singapore. Auntie clasps cat carrier.

This is a strange video. A Muslim living in a multi-ethnic area of Singapore cries inconsolably when a tabby cat is rescued from high in a tree where the cat has been stuck for 10 days. The interesting aspect of the event is that the woman is inconsolable and she hugs the cat carrier leading us to believe that this is her cat. She cries and gazes into the carrier adoringly. Then she says that the cat is not hers and hands the carrier over to somebody else. She is then seen reclaiming the cat carrier and thanking the people who had rescued the cat. It is rather strange. One notable feature is that the auntie (“makcik” in the Singaporean language) is treated with great kindness and respect. The cat seems to be okay but bemused by all the human activity. I hope he/she was fed and watered immediately.

2 thoughts on “Muslim “Auntie” in Singapore is inconsolable when cat is rescued but says cat is not hers”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I’m so glad the cat was saved and hope was well taken care of, but I had 3 observations: great way to catch the cat, but did it hit the railing? It could have. Did that woman in the red pants sit on the cat? And, it looks like they had to pull the cat carrier away from the older woman. I love when people get overwhelmed at moments that should be revered, and video and share it. Those are acts that should be inspired and repeated more often…

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