My Young Cat Gabriel Playing (video)

I suppose this is a classic example of how anything – usually rubbish – which comes to hand, can be a great cat toy. Gabriel can play for up to an hour constantly and without my involvement (other than supplying the homemade cat toy).

He follows the usual domestic cat schedule: morning and evening activity (manic in his case) inline with the dawn and dust hunting behavior (crepuscular) of the North African wildcat with a snooze in the afternoon and with me at night. I think sleeps with me at night because he has to as I am sleeping. It is an adaptation to being domesticated and living with a human because the wild cat would hunt at night as well probably.

He’s snoozing right now on his condo. He also likes to be very close to me when I have a pee 😉 . In fact I think he wants to get into the toilet bowl when I am doing it! I have to prevent him. I thought about videoing it but changed my mind 🙂 .

He also likes to help out when I am doing his litter tray. He wants to jump in which somewhat interferes with the work at hand.

9 thoughts on “My Young Cat Gabriel Playing (video)”

  1. He is wonderful Michael I love to watch cats at play for me there is nothing more entrancing! he his very confident now and happy and he makes you so happy too, when you speak of him I can tell your spirits are totally lifted! He has bought such joy into your life after your sad loss.

    But what is it about the cat and the pee thing? When I use the bathroom first thing in the morning I can never do it in peace! I’m sat there and the door suddenly opens ….. and again and again and before I know it I have four pairs of eyes on me!! You cant use the bathroom in peace in our house! 🙂

  2. He will remain within his kittenhood age till one year but some cats never cool down, there is a difference between the energy and wanting/ willing levels of cats, so don’t worry, He is doing the BEST <3

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