Tapetum lucidum anatomy and function. Infographic.

The nighttime reflective eyes of the domestic cat are well-known and admired. They signal the crepuscular and nighttime hunting activities of our beloved companions if allowed outside. This infographic attempts to add a little bit of knowledge about this distinctive feline anatomy. Reflective eyes are synonymous with the domestic cat and indeed all cats. …

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Reason why domestic cat eyes constrict to a slit. Infographic.

As might be expected this is all about evolution and survival. The fundamental reason why the domestic cat’s iris constricts the pupil to a slit as opposed to an oval – as occurs for the tiger – is that it makes survival easier as a small, crepuscular, ambush predator. The infographic explains this more …

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3 reasons why cats play with prey before killing it. Infographic.

Sweet domestic cat is a killing machine

When domestic cats play with prey before killing the poor animal it can be distressing for the cat’s caregiver as often they are general animal lovers as well as cat lovers. There is, however, from the cat’s perspective, a perfectly logical reason for it – three reasons actually, which I have summarised in the …

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The reason for the existence of Henry’s pocket as per AI

Henry’s Pocket - reasons for its existence as per me and as per AI

Years ago, I proposed that the feline Henry’s pocket, a small extra fold of cartilage and skin within the ear flaps (pinnae) of domestic cats, was to enhance the ability to hear high pitched sounds. I was corrected by a welcome visitor who proposed that this mysterious item of feline anatomy (which still troubles …

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Is killing prey a learned behaviour for cats? Infographic.

Is actually killing prey a learned behaviour for cats?

The answer to the question in the title is in the infographic. It is that predation behaviour is, as expected, inherited but it needs to be polished up with some training from their mother and a kitten’s keen observational skills and ability to learn from watching. It is how they learn to open doors …

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Is it illegal in the UK to stop cats from hunting?

Indoor live enriched for domestic cats where they can express natural behaviors as per the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the five freedoms

The title is provocative. It’s meant to be as I want to provoke some questions. An article on the Catster website by Dr. Karyn got me thinking (thank you). She advocates keeping cats indoors full-time but she is aware that you need to make the environment inside the home suitable for a cat to …

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If cats had opposable thumbs, they wouldn’t be cats!

If cats had evolved to have opposable thumbs they wouldn't be cats!

There is a brilliantly funny ad for Cravendale milk which was very successful, in which domestic cats rebelled against the human because he wouldn’t give them milk. All the rebellious cats had opposable thumbs and they behaved like humans. And that’s the point if you want to be serious about it. The cats became …

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