Paid job offer running Greek island cat sanctuary

Paid job looking after cats on small Greek island
Paid job looking after cats on small Greek island. What a view!

God’s Little People Cat Rescue, Syros, Greece: For many a paid job with accommodation looking after 55 rescue cats on a small Greek island called Syros would sound like the nearest you can get to utopia on this troubled planet. Well this is your chance to apply. There are tens of thousands of people in America who are qualified for the job, I am sure. You’ll have good knowledge of cat behaviour and nutrition etc. and ideally (I’d expect) have experience in cat rescue and ideally running a cat rescue. At at 12th Aug nearly, 1,000 applications have been received. There is an email address at the end of the article to use for applications.

“a mature and genuinely passionate cat lover who knows how to handle many cats and would love their company,”

The advert for the post on Facebook says it all:

There are a million American cat lovers who’d like to apply for the job. Hell, I am thinking of applying myself but I probably have too much baggage and I don’t mean hand luggage.

Cat job in Greece
God’s Little People Cat Rescue. Manager required for long term role starting Oct.

I suppose the barrier for Americans is the upheaval of living in Europe and leaving the American way of life behind. I still reckon there are very many people who’d fancy a go at it. I think you are going to have to be good because I can see thousands applying for the job.


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