Purina Cat Food Coupon

by Michael (PoC Admin)
(London, UK)

purina cat food 6th Oct 2009 – Get $100 for telling me where you can get a Purina Cat Food Coupon! First though, I don’t want to spoil things but I think we should all know that to the best of my knowledge Purina is involved in animal testing. That may not bother lots of people. Some it might, in which case don’t bother with cat food coupons from Purina.

Note: the well known Give a Bowl promotion that provided a $4 coupon and which gave to charity at the same time is closed, the target having been met.

So what is left? Not much! This page mostly relates to the USA by the way – they like their coupons….This post has turned into a diary of a search for Purina coupons! To be brutally honest it is pretty much a fruitless search. Coupons obviously come up from time to time but at this time  there are plenty of sites waffling around the subject (as I am) but not producing tangible, precious coupons.

The best thing is to keep an eye on the Purina® discount page and/or do what they want, which is to join one of their “community” forums etc. You will probably be able to keep tabs on upcoming discount programs and coupons better that way.

Update: I will assume that these free Purina cat food coupons advertised on Craigslist have gone. However, Craigslist does throw up the occasional bundle of coupons. Worth doing a quick search I’d say.

Update: I have searched for 2 hours without success…..

dollar-sign So, this is what I’ll do. The first visitor to leave a comment (see link below) in which he or she can leave two things:

  1. A link to a genuine Purina coupon for cat food
  2. Their PayPal account (their email address)

I will send them $100 or the sterling equivalent, which is much better than a few measly coupons.

From Purina Cat Food Coupon to Cat Food Coupons

Photo by Pacdog and reproduced under Attribution 2.0 Generic creative commons license.

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Purina Cat Food Coupon

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Mar 15, 2010
Free WoF Tokens
by: Michael

As at 15h March 2010 in the UK there are free WoF Tokens (World of Felix tokens).

To get them you have to be registered and logged in.

This is the page:


Good luck

Michael Avatar

Jan 15, 2010
Update 15th Jan 2010
by: Michael

This is an update:

As at the date of this comment no one has claimed $100 for simply suggesting where a Purina Cat Food Coupon can be found.

A lot of people search for these too so I am surprised to be honest.

As at this date there are no Purina One Pet Food Coupons that I can find.

But wait a minute, after 15 mins searching I have found this:

Give a Bowl

Purina want you to take a quiz and then you might be able to save some money and they will donate a dollar to the shelter of your choice. This is a PR exercise but it might save you some money. You can download a coupon….Just seen that this is over!

Michael Avatar

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