Wet cat food with artificial bone. Infographic.

Current wet cat food is always soft. It fails to replicate the domestic cat’s natural diet of flesh and bone. Cats need bone on which to chew (sheer) for gum health and jaw exercise. There is an argument too that over the very long term current wet cat food may impact the evolution of …

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1880, one of the first domestic cat photographs

One of the first photographs of a domestic cat 1880

Well, I can’t verify if the statement on Reddit.com is true that this really is one of the first domestic cat photos taken in 1880 but it seems plausible to suggest that it is one of the earliest cat photographs. The link below takes you to another, earlier article on this topic. The picture …

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Garages can collect pet food donations from the public to supply animal rescues

Pet food donations delivered to Stewart's Donnybrook automotive repair shop

This is an idea from Gary Stewart in Tyler, Texas who I believe owns and certainly manages Stewart’s Donnybrook Automotive. He is in the news because he’s been insightful enough and generous enough to start and run a pet food collection program on behalf of a couple of local animal rescues in Henderson and …

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Muslims don’t have to feed their pets halal pet food

Halal pet food is not mandatory for Muslims as there are no rules that state that pets must be feed non-haram foods

Muslims don’t have to feed their pets halal pet food. It’s as simple as that. It’s as straightforward as that because the Islamic faith concerns people. That’s obvious. Animals don’t have a religion of any sort. The concept of religion would mystify them if they had the ability to study the topic as it …

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Pet Food Uniform Regulatory Reform Act of 2024 (PURR Act) will result in even more tainted pet food

"PURR will result in even more tainted pet food, which means more sick and dead animals" - Nathan Winograd

Nathan Winograd – the voice of America’s displaced pets – says that the PURR Act will lead to more sick and dead animals as it will weaken oversight. He reports that there “have been 3,691 FDA pet product recalls,” and “the vast majority — 68% — were pet food related.” RELATED: How To Read …

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Cat food is ultra-processed. This kind of food risks diabetes, cancer and depression in people

Does ultra-processed dry cat food cause health problems that have not been properly investigated such as diabetes and cancer

I’m going to suggest a potential link between the ultra-processed dry cat food that we give cats and certain health issues in cats. This link is rarely discussed. However, in The Times today there is a report about how ultra-processed foods raises the risk of cancer, diabetes and depression in people. The physiology of …

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“Cats can live on dog food” infographic

"Cats can live on dog food". No, they cannot as in time it will make them ill with serious dietary deficiencies.

The infographic explains in a concise way why the belief by some owners that cats can live on dog food is entirely wrong as due to dietary deficiencies, over time, the cat will become seriously ill. As nearly everyone knows – largely thanks to the internet – cats are predators who’ve evolved to be …

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