Sakiz – The Computer Whizz

Sakiz – The Computer Whizz

by Özge
(Eskiºehir, Türkiye)

My Dear Cat Friends...Technology is part of our lives. It is most of the time enjoyable, as you know. I myself love the taste of cell phone charging cables!

They are tasty and easy to cut. After I ate 3 of them I cannot see any more around. I wonder where they have gone:D

Anyway our issue is computers. As you may know humans usually misuse the computers. I am hearing your approving meows.

People generally use the computer to heat their finger tips only. However if you lay down on the laptop or sleep behind a monitor it heats all the body. They have not discovered this yet.

The little creature connected to the computer is totally useless. They touch it and try to catch the insect inside the computer but they are never successful with this. That's why I sometimes lay on that thing and catch the insect by myself. It's easy for me.

If you want to drag the attention of your human from his/her computer you just walk through the F buttons. When I do so the pages confuses and she chooses to close the computer and then I can lay on her lap. Lovely moment...

Best Regards


From Sakiz - The Computer Whizz to Turkish Angora Cat

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Sakiz - The Computer Whizz

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Feb 09, 2011 Hello
by: Sakiz

Hello Abby,
I want one of those machines called printer. A paper coming out machine what a fun 🙂
I will continue giving usefull advices for our fellowships.

Dear Micheal thank you for your nice compliments.

See you soon

Feb 07, 2011 Awesome Fun
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Hi Sakiz, Thanks for letting me know your little secret. We kitties need to stick together. My human just loves it when I sit on the keyboard for attention when she tries to work. It makes such wonderful sounds. Lots of whzzzzz and kraaaackkkkk! She especially loves giving me attention when I do that cuz she picks me up right away and gives me love and kisses! Wow... Sometimes I even sit on something called a printer - when the paper comes out, it's all crinkly and stuff. Great fun!

Feb 07, 2011 Hi Özge
by: Michael

Hi Özge and Sakiz. You may have found out that regular visitors of PoC like their cats to express themselves. It gives an insight to cat behavior.

And Sakiz certainly tells us a lot about how cats use computers. They probably use them more sensibly than humans. Except for eating cables!

Thanks for sharing and I always like to hear from countries that we don't usually hear from.

Sakiz is a beautiful cat by the way. I am jealous..meow..hiss..

Sorry I was a bit slow in publishing the thoughts of Sakiz the computer whizzz.

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