by Adoria (Canada)
There is a strange golf ball sized lump on my cat’s right, cheek, we have no clue what it is or how it might have happened, I have been researching on the web and so far have found nothing really… =(
Hi Adoria…. thanks for visiting. I’ll simply refer to the Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook, page 167, Lumps and Bumps on or Beneath the Skin.
These lumps are called tumors. Tumor means a swelling. It could be benign or cancerous. Benign means non-cancerous.
– slow growth
– surrounded by a capsule
– non-invasive
– does not spread
Test to see if it is benign requires removal and examination under microscope. Obviously a vet’s visit.
– usually enlarge quickly over several weeks or months (this must be a diagnostic tool)
– not surrounded by a capsule
– infiltrate other areas
– might bleed and ulcerate
– might be attached to bone
This excellent book then says (my words) in italics:
Unexplained lumps etc. should be checked by your veterinarian
This is definitely a case for a vet to check this out. The fact that the cat is not in discomfort (it seems) does not mean that it isn’t cancer.
Please have it checked out asap.
Another possibility is a sebaceous cyst, a benign tumor that comes from glands beneath the skin.
A further possibility in referring to my own experiences is that it might be an abscess. This is a bacterial infection under the skin that causes a build up of puss. They can be large and quite firm despite being liquid. This will cause discomfort. Once again a vet visit is demanded asap.
This is not a complete list of possibilities.