Why do cats sneer? Infographic.

Cats can sneer slightly in the conventional sense but often what is regarded as a feline sneer is anything but. It is a very specific action designed to taste smell. And many animals have this ability and they have very similar actions and behaviors in this regard. Unlike humans who rely heavily on visual information, animals such as the cat use their specialist sense of smell to great effect. Their sense of smell is like our eyes.

Why do cats sneer? Infographic.
Why do cats sneer? Infographic. A free to use infographic under a Creative Commons license. Click on it to see it larger. The top picture is a still image from a YouTube video which you can see by clicking on the link at the end of this article. The picture of their domestic cat is copyright free from Shutterstock. Note: I have seen the organ spelled: Jacobson’s organ with an ‘o’.

Some other animals which employ the Flehmen reponse

During this behavior, an animal curls back its upper lip, exposing its front teeth, and inhales with its nostrils usually closed.  Interestingly, it often gives the appearance that the animal is looking spiteful, grimacing, or even smirking. Here are some animals that exhibit the Flehmen response:

  • Horses
  • Tigers
  • Buffalos
  • Tapirs
  • Lions
  • Giraffes
  • Goats
  • Llamas

Picture of a tiger operating the Flehmen response

Tiger doing the Flehmen response.

RELATED: Snow Leopard’s Flehmen Response on Camera Trap Video

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