This is another arresting cat picture. It certainly caught my eye. It looks cool and plausible – just.
However it’s art and they are not real. Artist Kelly Monico installed the cats between 14th and 15th streets west of Larimer Street. The installation is part of “Between Us” The Downtown Denver Alleyways Project“.
Funding for the art installation came from the Bonfils-Stanton Foundation. It is a team effort between the Downtown Denver Business Improvement District, the Denver Theatre District and Black Cube.
The purpose must be to promote the city of Denver (it has certainly received quite a lot of press coverage) and get people to “spend time in these under-utilized spaces”. I get that.
In London you’ll see art installations like this in off the beaten track places. You’ll suddenly come upon them and smile. Another objective of the Denver installation is to ‘inject some joy into the everyday”.
You can trust the domestic cat to achieve that objective. They make you smile.
Photographer recreates Philippe Halsman’s Dali Atomicus without the cats