Amazing Looking Persian Cat

This is a Helmi Flick photo that is quite typical for her but for outsiders this cat looks pretty amazing. People know me. For me, every cat is equal; it is cat communism not cat capitalism. I have the same attraction towards all cats. However, I can recognise an interesting looking cat when I see one. People who are into show cats etc. like to see outstanding cats.

Bicolor black and white Persian cat
Photo is copyright Helmi Flick. People who steal the photo will be put into the stocks and rotten tomatoes thrown at them. Then, they will be forced to parade through the streets naked shouting “I violated Helmi Flick’s copyright”, whereupon they themselves will be violated. Don’t steal this photo. – this caption is both a bit of a joke and serious at the same time

Well, this is a bicolor Persian. The symmetry in the fur and pattern in unnerving. The top of the head looks flat because the ears level it off. It is rather strange looking.

I find it astonishing that the breeder managed to achieve a totally symmetrical pattern on the face like this. There is obviously a lot of luck involved in selective breeding.

It is as if this cat is wearing a hood of some sort that has been slipped over her head. The eyes are this classic bright orange. Perhaps the color is copper. I am not sure. They look deep orange to me and there is a lot of strange marbleization within the iris of the eyes.

Another surprising feature is the grey or white colored hair coming out of the ears set against the black hair elsewhere. The long ear hair is called “ear furnishings”, which in itself is strange terminology.

All in all a most amazing looking Persian cat. I prefer moggies though……..sorry.

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7 thoughts on “Amazing Looking Persian Cat”

  1. I am pleased you got some enjoyment from the copyright warning. I enjoyed your limerick too. I can think of a few people I would like to throw tomatoes at, but only if they are in the tin.

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