Chester Snuggles up to George

Thanks to Marion and Ruth we have this new picture of Chester with his friend George (uploaded to a comment by Ruth). Not only is it an excellent photograph, it is also an uplifting story of cat rescue.

The photo – by Marion – shows a scene that is a million miles away from a tub of black oil that Chester was pushed into by callous youths – an act of cat cruelty of the worst kind that almost killed him. We must thank again the anonymous gentleman who saved his life.

For newcomers this page summarises Chester’s story (with link to previous pages).

His recovery is wonderful to see. Marion of Cats Protection is looking after him. It is a very positive story. These are important stories.

Chester a rescued stray cat who was cruelly abused
Chester (small cat) and George — Photo by Marion

Thanks Marion and Ruth.

22 thoughts on “Chester Snuggles up to George”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. George is Marion’s own cat though, she also nursed him through a very bad start in life but he was a lucky boy because she kept him.

  3. I’d love to hear Charlie’s voice! I’d love to record our Walters ‘bark’ to share too.
    But trying to record a cat is a nightmare lol I found the record facility on my mobile phone at last and tried to record Jozef’s sneezy cough for the vet but by the time I set it up it was over lol
    Thankfully between us Babz and I managed to do a fair impression of it when we took him in and the treatment must be right as he’s stopped doing it.
    Getting the tablets down him is a nightmare, I feel for Marion having to dose Chester for so long!

  4. It is very positive. I like that. There is too much “bad news”. Bad cat news is often what the newspapers focus on. I prefer the good stuff.

  5. I have an old fashioned tape recorder that is noise activated. I might try that. Keep it turned on and near Charlie then when he meows the tape recorder will catch it. Then transfer the recording to hard drive. The last bit is the tricky one. I’d like other people to hear his voice and the various sounds he makes.

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