The downsides of dressing up your cat explained in an infographic

Some influential celebrities like to dress up their cat companion. They do it for personal reasons unconnected with the welfare of their cat (possible exception: the hairless cats). Essentially it looks interesting and is fun to do. The trend has prompted criticism from cat behaviourists and health professionals including the well-known cat charity Cats …

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Cats Protection National Cat Awards 2024 featuring Marley

Marley is a finalist in 2024 Cats Protection Awards

The Times has a small article today about the “First among felines”, which naturally caught my eye. It’s about the Cats Protection National Cat Awards 2024. The newspaper says that “A cat who helped trafficked women and a stray who calms pupils before exams are among the finalists…..”. Cats Protection National Cat Awards 2024. …

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Charity which looks after cats belonging to abused women to allow them to leave and restart

Cats Protection Lifeline need cat foster carers

Cats Protection Lifeline is a specialist charity which looks after the cats of abused women which frees them up to escape the abusive home and restart somewhere else. The charity relies on volunteer foster carers to be temporary cat caregivers. It is a very important branch of the Cats Protection charity which is also …

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In the UK 38% of cats adopted were purebred pedigree in 2022

Purebred cat versus moggie

Cats Protection ran a survey and reported on 6 April 2023 that “38% of cats acquired in 2022 (600,000 cats) were pedigrees such as Ragdolls or Scottish Folds while 47% (or 750,000 cats) were moggies”. They say that that is the narrowest gap between the adoption of purebred cats and random-bred cats in living …

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Monty, a rescue cat, comforts a young man dying of bone cancer and his wife on his passing

Dave who was terminally ill with bone cancer and Monty being the companion

Cats Protection have a beautiful story on their website about Dave who at the young age of 25 became terminally ill with a rare form of bone cancer. His wife, Olivia, had been thinking about adopting a cat for some time and they agreed to take the plunge at this very difficult time. They …

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More than one in four cat owners admit overfeeding their cat since March

Obese tabby cat

Since March of last year more than one in four cat owners in the UK admit overfeeding their cats. One in five cats have put on weight during the pandemic as owners have spoiled them with treats because they’ve been stuck at home. Yes, I am referring to the several lockdowns in the UK …

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Coronavirus can permanently close cat cafés

Cosy Cat Cafe may have to close

It’s a point worth making: in the UK the coronavirus pandemic may end up permanently closing cat cafés because of the ongoing lockdowns and Tier 3 semi-lockdowns resulting in their temporary closure. Temporary closures for a significant time can lead to permanent closures for obvious reasons. One possible victim of the coronavirus pandemic is …

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