Winter Coat to Summer Coat and Back in Five Days

The picture shows Monty lying in the shade by the garage last week when the weather suddenly got warm. That is actually a very nice place for him because the surface of the brick patio feels cool in the shade there.

Monty - a black American cat
Handsome Monty – Photo by Monty’s Mom (Ruth) or his father (Jeffery)

Spring in Wisconsin can be challenging for little black cats. As soon as he sheds away his winter fur so he can be comfortable in the hot weather, it turns cold again and Monty shivers.

He actually refused outside time for two days after the heat wave, and he normally will go out in just about any weather or any temperature. He was getting a little cranky I think, first being so hot, as he is in this picture, and then having to revert back to winter like temperatures literally overnight.

As much as the humans complained about it, they could just grab their summer clothing out of storage, and then put a jacket on when it turned cold again. I put on a pair of shorts that first hot day and felt so good! Poor Monty. His winter coat was still on and by the time he could get it off for summer it was winter again! No wonder he was cranky.

I spent three days chasing Monty around with his brush trying to get as much fur off him as I could so he could be more comfortable in the heat and not have hairballs. I almost felt bad about pulling so much fur off him when it turned cold again, but it couldn’t be helped. I suppose his little body is busy thickening up his coat again, while at the same time, summer is just around the corner.

If you are a cat, getting your summer wardrobe out of storage and packing away your winter clothing is a time consuming process compared to what we humans do. I often am envious of Monty in the morning when I get dressed for work, because while I can’t decide what to wear, he is all ready to go. I say, “What are you going to wear today, Monty? Oh, I see, you’re going to wear your little black fur coat. Great choice!” He’s all ready for his day the second he wakes up. But I did not envy him when I realized last week that he cannot take off the winter version of that fur coat in the same way I can shed winter layers and store them in the closet for easy access should the weather turn cold again.

Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

17 thoughts on “Winter Coat to Summer Coat and Back in Five Days”

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  2. Se agradecen posts como el tuyo. Muchísimas gracias

    Google Translation:

    Are welcome posts like yours. Thank you

  3. I know what you mean and I like it too. I can see Lilly’s pattern and she has almost redish brown accents which form part of the pattern. Sometimes I swear she looks green. Black is an interesting colour that way with cats I guess 🙂

  4. I love the way when the sun shines on a black or black and white cats fur, you can see the stripes that all cats have.

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