Cute video. The adult cat is looking up at a person who is encouraging the cat to believe that she is going to receive someting nice which is why she wags her tail side to side. That’s my interpretation and a bit of a guess. It does not really matter though because the fun in the video is that the adult cat’s tail is entertaining three cute kittens while she is blissfully unaware of it.
Cat tails entertaining cats and kittens is an interesting topic. We see a lot of it; most of the time it is a cat entertaining herself by chasing her tail. There are pictures of snow leopard with their tails in their mouths. In all examples it appears that the cat treats the tail as a toy and not connected to a cat – either themselves or another cat. It is strange.
This attitude towards either their own tail or the tail of another cat as shown in the video may be a result of the ‘fact’ (slightly debateable) that cats are not self-aware. They are unable to look at themselves and realise that they are looking at themselves. This conclusion comes from many videos of cats looking at themselves in mirrors when they demonstrate an unawareness of self and it is backed up by Dr John Bradshaw an expert cat behaviorist and author.