Domestic cats share some human behavioural traits. Infographic.

I believe that it is useful to remind ourselves that we share some behavioural traits with our cat companions as it may, in some households, help to remove a ‘them and us’ belief. Humans do like to think they are special and that they are not animals. Humans are human-animals and there are more …

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Domestic cat patience is an asset. Infographic.

We take it for granted: the enormous patience of our domestic cat companions. But it is a great asset for the domestic cat in their need to adapt to the human environment in which they are obliged to live. Particularly so when they are full-time indoor cats where often even the patience of the …

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The origin of the cat tail-up greeting. Infographic.

Kitten tail-up greeting which is carried forward into adulthood in the human-to-cat relationship

The origin of the domestic cat ‘tail-up’ body language greeting is interesting and important as it highlights a central element in the human-to-cat relationship, namely that cat caregivers are perpetual mothers to their adult cats which serves to indoctrinate the adult cat into maintaining kitten behaviors one of which is the tail up greeting; …

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Domestic cats operate on instinct placing a high level of responsibility on owners. Infographic.

Perhaps it is fair to say that sometimes cat owners (caregivers) forget that their feline friend operates on DNA hard-wired instinct as they are often seen as little human members of the family which is nice. Moreover, this DNA is inherited from their wildcat ancestor. The domestic cat’s behaviour is rooted in the behaviour …

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Five reasons in an INFOGRAPHIC why some cats foul the house

Five reasons why a cat might defecate inappropriately

‘Fouling’ means defecating in this instance. Domestic cat marking with faces as opposed to urine is not uncommon and the reason behind the territorial marking will fundamentally be the same. Other than territorial issues there is health and the all-important litter box management in terms of cleanliness and position. The size of the litter …

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Some suggestions on why cat and dog veterinary visits are higher during a full moon

Full moon dangers for cats?

A study from Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences found that during a full moon there is a slight increase in veterinary visits for cats and dogs which on the face might be considered a little puzzling but I have provided some suggestions. These were emergency veterinary visits and the …

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3 reasons why cats play with prey before killing it. Infographic.

Sweet domestic cat is a killing machine

When domestic cats play with prey before killing the poor animal it can be distressing for the cat’s caregiver as often they are general animal lovers as well as cat lovers. There is, however, from the cat’s perspective, a perfectly logical reason for it – three reasons actually, which I have summarised in the …

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Why does my cat blow hot and cold? Infographic explains.

Does the domestic cat blow hot and cold?

The infographic explains very succinctly why some cat caregivers might think that their cat blows hot and cold. As you probably know, “blowing hot and cold”, refers to inconsistent or unpredictable behaviour normally in a relationship between people but it might apply to a relationship between a cat a person as well. This is …

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