Animal Testing For Cosmetics

"Dr. Heath injects serum" - photo uploaded by The Library of Congree on Flickr

Good morning readers. I'd like to thank my friends for giving me the idea for this article. This is not a cat story or a dog story. I believe they may be used without public knowledge but have no proof. I've done research in the past showing the heartless people who pretend to adopt free pets and sell them to a lab. So this article does concern cat lovers.

Animal testing for cosmetic research is the primary reason I wrote an article awhile back to never give away free kittens and puppies without checking references. There are monsters waiting out there who sell them to testing companies. These people have no soul. Now I'll move on to the animal testing. We all know animals are used in testing cosmetic products. This includes makeup, skin care and hair care. Most articles only skim the surface. They describe why it's done and how to protest. I'm not going to do that because there is plenty of information on who does what.

This article will explain what is actually done to the animal in the testing of cosmetics. There are few references to the actual tests. I plan to talk about those at the end of this article because a lot of the readers may not want to read what really happens.

I've read a lot on both sides of the issue and Michael has already covered this in several of his posts. I feel I'm taking on this issue from another angle.

One of the earliest cases I found on record on why animal testing began on cosmetics occurred during the 1930's when mascara blinded a consumer. The idea of consumer makeup debuted in the late 1920's and early 1930's and mascara was the first product known to have health risks. Beauty magazines constantly remind us to toss our mascara after a certain time period to prevent eye infections. The mascara argument is still a major excuse the cosmetic industry uses to legally murder animals.

Most animal testing is done for cosmetics and soap. Ninety-four percent of animals tested are tested for cosmetic safety. Only 6% are used in medical studies1.

Rabbits are used to see how cosmetics "feel." Whatever that means. Guinea pigs are more susceptible to product allergies and skin condition. Dogs are used for biomedical research and cats for neurological reactions2.

Animals who develop skin conditions from the cosmetic being tested are sometimes intentionally killed during the test to see if the internal organs have been affected.

Can you imagine what it must feel like to be a test animal? I imagine those being tested for skin irritation tests are first shaved. The sound of the electric razor, plus the confinement and restraint system used combined with the fear must be horrible. I'll talk about the physical pain later.

Here are a few things the animals are tested for.

Whole body, short-term toxicity, skin penetration, skin irritancy, eye irritancy, skin sensitization, phototoxicity & photosensitisation, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, teratogenicity and finished product These are all common tests performed on animals.

The bottom line is most cosmetic products being tested on animals could be more easily tested on humans. We are the ones who will be using them. Plus the fear factor is taken away because as test subjects we'll know what's being done.The skin scratch test most of us have gotten to test for allergic reactions is one of the best ways to test how irritating a product will be to consumers.

The Food and Drug Administration does NOT require animal testing on cosmetics. There is no law saying these tests must be performed. The tests prove little anyway. A product tested on one animal only means that species of animal is susceptible to said reactions.

With the technology out there today, more accurate test can be performed using skin tissue cultures or corneas from eye banks. Mathematical programs along with computer programs are far more reliable that testing on live animals.

Gordon Baxter, co-founder of Pharmagene Laboratories states that his company uses only human tissue samples and computer knowledge to test for product safety. I wish the rest of the world would study his business and follow his beliefs that animal testing is unnecessary.

In 2009 the European Union banned all testing of cosmetics on animals and a complete sales ban will go into effect in 2013. As usual, the U.S. is the country that still allows this to continue.

I'd love to hear from anyone who performs these tests. How do you do it and live with yourself? WHY would you want a job where you inflict pain on a helpless animal on a daily basis. The word sadistic comes to mind.

And why is it legal to torture and perhaps kill an animal. Isn't this abuse? Here's the Wikipedia definition for animal cruelty.

Cruelty to animals is the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals, other than humans, for purposes other than self-defense. More narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain, such as killing animals for food or for their fur3.

Doesn't this fall under "harm for specific gain" since cosmetic companies sell beauty products for money?

I'm totally confused here. How can these testing facilities even be in business. Everyone working there should be charged with animal cruelty and locked up because they ARE abusers.

Related links: copy and paste into browser address bar

Cruelty free products

Tested on animals

L'Oreal statement

The Petition

Fact on Animal Testing

Cats Animal Testing (new window)

Cat Experiments (new window)

There are hundreds of articles on the internet concerning the issues involving animal testing. I've listed my references on each paragraph so my readers can research more if they wish. Now for the really horrible tests.

I'm saying goodbye at this point as many of you may not want to read the rest.




The Draize test is performed by placing caustic substances into the eyes of conscious rabbits to test for eye irritancy and tissue damage. This test is so painful the rabbits scream and many die from broken necks and backs while trying to escape the full restraints they are placed in for the test. This test is almost totally unreliable and has nothing to do with the toxicity to humans.

The Lethal Dosage LD50 test was developed in 1927 and is performed by forcing test animals to ingest, inhale or be injected with a substance until half of the test subjects are dead. Sometimes the chemical is placed into the animals stomach through a tube. The animals suffer from vomiting, convulsions and paralysis before dying from hemorrhaging from every orifice of the body. There's no need to ask if this test is painful4. Amounts given the test animal are such an overdose to what a consumer would use and the test is unreliable and better methods are out there.

Please feel free to comment on any of this. I'm drained for now. This is a very difficult subject to write on as it clearly falls under animal cruelty and the people who do this for a living are PAID to murder helpless animals because it's their job!







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Animal Testing For Cosmetics

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Feb 21, 2011
latest list
by: Ruth

The latest list of companies still testing on animals is here :

Feb 10, 2011
oh my gosh
by: Anonymous

Aniaml testing is creul and inhumane we have to put an end to it!!!!!

Feb 10, 2011
oh my gosh
by: Anonymous

Aniaml testing is creul and inhumane we have to put an end to it!!!!!

Sep 08, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

My grandmother was a Cherokee/Creek medicine woman who used nothing but Octagon soap on her hair. At age 80 she had NO gray.They still sell the soap but I don't know the ingredients in it. When she became unable to wash her own hair she began going to the "beauty parlor" next door. She began turning gray immediately. Made me wonder what caused it so I asked an Indian friend who also had no gray hair at 60. He told me there are ingredients in conditions that cause the hair to turn gray. Interesting concept.

Sep 08, 2010
Animal testing
by: Rita J

I blame animal testing on the purchasers of the tested products. Vanity rules as they have it! Some people will stick to a particular tested brand because they prefer it. I personally would rather look a mess than buy tested products but we dont have to, as many untested cosmetics achieve the same results. One thing does worry me though - Even when a final product says it is not tested could the ingredients have been individually tested and so for this reason I wear as little make up as possible and minimise on everything I use, if i want a face mask etc I will make one naturally as you can make up your own hair rinses equivalent to conditioners etc There are books on the market that tell you how to make home made beauty products and as a qualified beauty therapist I find many work better than the junk you buy in the shops that are full of harmfull chemicals that I believe age people and in the long run dont do them any mercy.

Sep 08, 2010
by: Ruth

It's very simple going veggie.
Just eat nothing at all that had a face when it was alive.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Sep 08, 2010
A Kit
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I sent off for a kit thru one of the vegetarian sites that tells how to get started and how good it is for you.

You're right. I stick to cats.

Sep 08, 2010
Off topic but....
by: Petra

Just a small point, there is only one type of vegetarianism, this is the definition from the Vegetarian Society
"A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products."
That includes vitamins etc, gelatine and fish derivatives e.g. cod liver oil. A fish or chicken eater is not a vegetarian.
Yes, better off sticking to cat subjects.

Sep 07, 2010
Sorry Rose
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

There are several types of vegetarians and I don't want to get them arguing over which type is best. And I learned my lesson about writing about anything not involving cats.

I will give everyone a heads up on the next story. Hopefully have it ready for Thursday or Friday. I found a no kill shelter that is cage free and the cats watch cat videos on TV.

I think people like my good news stories better than the cruelty stories. Also have another good cat story after the next one. Just waiting to hear back from the lady for an interview.

My cat is making me go to bed. I pulled an all nighter and I think I may be getting too old to stay up all night long. I'll start the new stories when I get up tomorrow.

Sep 07, 2010
animal testing
by: Debra Rosier

As usual. a very good informative article. I personally think they should test on animal
abusers, child molesters, monsters on death row
who have committed terrible crimes.
No innocent sweet creature should be tortured in
these outrageous "tests"!!
Maybe this article will make people more aware of the practices that some companies do in order to sell their products. And find out what companies are guilty. If you think l'oreal makes you look beautiful then think about what happened to the
poor animal who after God knows what kind of pain
it went through, looked like when "THEY" got through with it finally.

Sep 07, 2010
animal testing
by: Debra Rosier

As usual. a very good informative article. I personally think they should test on animal
abusers, child molesters, monsters on death row
who have committed terrible crimes.
No innocent sweet creature should be tortured in
these outrageous "tests"!!
Maybe this article will make people more aware of the practices that some companies do in order to sell their products. And find out what companies are guilty. If you think l'oreal makes you look beautiful then think about what happened to the
poor animal who after God knows what kind of pain
it went through, looked like when "THEY" got through with it finally.

Sep 07, 2010
Life without cruelty
by: Mel

Thank you Elisa and thank you Barbara for that link.
Yes some firms hide the fact that the ingredients of their products are tested on animals.L'Oreal is one of the worst offenders.Anyone using their products certainly is NOT worth the torture of animals for their "beauty"
I was disgusted when Anita Roddick sold the Body Shop to them.
I will never go in there again.
Proctor & Gamble are real bad guys also.
Look at ALL labels.
NOW for Cancer Research.Many people leave them money in their wills.What they don't realise is they are paying for instruments of torture,including clamps to hold down living animals while they are subject to excruciatingly painful procedures.
Millions of £££££ has poured into cancer research for yeras,but have they found a cure?
I also support Dr Hadwen trust and I support Quest non animal cancer research too.
Sorry Elisa,I know this is about cosmetics but everyone needs to think about medical research also.

Sep 07, 2010
by: L Greer

While the "government" may not mandate testing, the US Standard Safety code absolutely does require documented proof of testing for labeling and meeting minimum safety standards. It is far to much to go in to here, but you can google ANSI, FDA, CPSC.

I abhor the needless and painful testing on animals. The Europeans will accept documented "safe formulations" to avoid further pain and suffering of lab animals. Something I wish the US would get on board with.

Sep 07, 2010
L'oreal stinks
by: Barbara

Lana L'oreal might say they don't test their products on animals, but in fact the ingredients they use in their products are tested on animals, they are just too sly to let you in on the secret unless you dig deep. Google "L'oreal tested on animals" and do it in Google Images too. And see if you think it's "worth" what animals suffer for "beauty"
Here's a list of good and bad guys

Good article Elisa.

Sep 07, 2010
list of names?
by: lana shiflet

do you have a list of names of cosmetic companies that still do these cruel tests? i mainly use loreal so im happy about them. thanks.

Sep 07, 2010
Not justifiable
by: Kathryn

No testing on animals is justifiable.Animals are exactly the same as us except they can not protest at their abuse so we must do it for them.

Sep 07, 2010
Making people think
by: Fran

Although the UK is ahead of the USA with banning uneccessary tests we still have many goods on our shelves which come from firms abroad.
I think most people don't give a thought to how stuff is made and tested and if they knew they would maybe not buy the cruel brands.
So this article is good in that it may make some of those people think before they reach out and take their usual goods from the shelves of wherever they shop and look for cruelty free brands instead.

Sep 07, 2010
Good one Elisa
by: Rose

Thank you for speaking out for all the lab animals being tortured in the name of beauty.
I don't know about the USA but in the UK beauty and household products not tested on animals have a little sign saying so.Some have a little square with a rabbit in too.
Astonish is a very good firm who make everything from washing liquid to kitchen and bathroom cleaners.Their sign says'we have banned animal testing'
We all need to support firms like this one.
I don't know how anyone can eat,wear,or use, anything from animals and yet say they love them.
How about an article on the benefits of vegetarianism next Elisa?

Sep 07, 2010
Thank you Elisa
by: Ruth

Thank you for a brilliant article Elisa.I hope anyone reading it who uses anything at all which has been tested on animals
It's not only cosmetics and household products animals suffer for and surely we have plenty of those already but some SWEETS are tested on animals too,as is tea, coffee, you name it.
Well known brands are particularly BAD guys !
Look at this video anyone not convinced:

PLEASE research every single thing you use or eat, before you buy it !
Type 'Is so and so tested on animals' into google if you are not sure.The only way to stop it is to hit those firms where it the pocket !
I have campaigned against animal testing for 45 years now and although there has been some improvement there are still animals suffering needlessly every single day.
Animal rights activists have got us peaceful animal rights people a bad name.
Nothing is achieved by violence.
Experiments on animals for supposedly vital research into human diseases is rife too ! Yet there are replacements nowadays.
I support
Their work proves animals don't have to be tortured, there are alternatives.
This is a subect that really upsets me.
A lady I know who is usually the soul of kindness uses Fairy washing up liquid which is tested on animals.When I pointed out to her how animals suffer she replied that she couldn't help that, she wanted soft hands !
L'Oreal 'because I'm worth it' drives me mad ....NO ONE is worth the torture of animals in the hopes of looking 'beautiful'
The compassionate people I know, are beautiful on the inside !
I despair of seeing an end to this ignorance and cruelty in my lifetime and I fervently hope there is not such a thing as reincarnation because I don't want to return to this world where there is so much cruelty to animals.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Sep 07, 2010
Animal Testing For cosmetics
by: Anonymous

Eliza, another great article. I think the test should be performed on the people that test animals, then they would know what torture feels like.

Sep 07, 2010
by: Anonymous


Sep 07, 2010
Legal stuff
by: Michael

Hi Elisa, nice work. I know it takes time to research these.

I too find it odd that what could be regarded as blatant animal cruelty goes on legally in some countries.

In the UK the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (a nicely drafted Act) protects animals from "unnecessary" suffering.

The word "unnecessary" I think explains why animal testing still goes on unabated.

Testing on animals is excluded from the Act because it seems to be deemed necessary in certain circumstances. This is a very debatable point.

One thing that is clear and which does not need debating is the subject of animal testing to improve cosmetics. This is obviously highly objectionable and morally completely wrong.

I don't know how "scientists" can do this or how women can wear the stuff (I know men also wear cosmetics). And I am shocked that the USA lags behind but it is inline with the attitude that allows declawing.

The USA seems sophisticated in one sense but backward in another. I think it is to do with the commercial nature of the American culture. Financial profit is the number one objective and animals are there to serve that purpose.

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