This applies to the present (May 29, 2022) but the law can change. Under Ohio statute: Chapter 935. Dangerous Wild Animals and Restricted Snakes, section §935.01 (C)(7)(d) it is illegal for an individual Ohio citizen to possess and own a caracal as they are classified as a dangerous wild animal. However, under section 935.02, there are exceptions. The same law applies to servals and I have just written a page on the ownership and possession of servals in Ohio. Therefore, there is no need for me to rewrite the entire page because exactly the same laws apply to caracals as they do to servals in Ohio. I would therefore ask you to click on the link below knowing that everything on that page applies equally to caracals.
As you can see in the video, the caracal is a medium-sized wild cat species. They are very robust and athletic. They are known for their jumping abilities. They can pluck a bird out of the air if needs be in the wild. On my estimation, they have the highest standing start vertical leap of any wild cat species. This is a testament to their long levers, fast-twitch fatiguing muscles and their athleticism and agility. People do keep them as pets sometimes. This is a throwback really to the time of the Indian potentates who kept caracals as hunting animals. They used to go hunting with them for their entertainment. The phrase “to put a cat among the pigeons” refers to caracals chasing pigeons in India back in the day.
RELATED: Pet caracal dominates and frightens domestic cat (video)
Below are some more articles on the caracal.