Legal Victory for Cats in Ohio: A Landmark Decision for Feline Rights

In a major legal triumph for animal welfare, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s companion animal cruelty law applies to all cats, including those that are unowned and live outdoors. This decision is being hailed as a milestone for the protection of community cats, a population that has historically existed in …

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Countdown to compulsory cat microchipping in England

Countdown to compulsory cat microchipping in England on 24th June 2024

From 24th June 2024, cat owners must ensure that their cats are microchipped under the law: “Cats Protection is delighted that pet cats in England will be given the same protection as dogs when it comes to microchipping. The charity regularly reunites owners with their much-loved cats, and in most cases this is only …

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Animal sentience paves the way for dog and cat support payments on divorce

Under Spanish law, dogs and cats are sentient beings and therefore a court can make an order for the caregiving of a dog in divorce proceedings when the animal goes to live with either party

When the animal welfare laws of any country state that companion animals are sentient beings, it is a great leap forward in animal rights which is clearly apparent in a recent divorce case from Spain where the reform of the Animal Welfare Act in 2021 ensured that animals are regarded as sentient beings and …

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Decriminalizing drugs is harmful to both pets and people

Decriminalizing drugs doesn’t work based on Oregon's and Portugal's liberal 'experiments'.

Although it sounds callous, I believe that drug addicts and alcoholics should not be cat owners. They are simply too unreliable. It depends on the standards of cat caregiving one is trying to attain but these should be high. Being drunk or high on drugs is incompatible with high standards of cat caregiving. Many …

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Impose strict proactive rules to solve the feral cat problem

Proactively solving the feral cat problem worldwide through strict liability laws and tougher punishments

Over many years, the experts and the websites have discussed the so-called “feral cat problem”. This is the procreation of domestic cats that become unwanted and which procreate in the wild and create feral cats. The root cause of this problem is unsatisfactory cat ownership. Once you don’t neuter and spay cats and they …

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In the UK pets have got to be ‘suitably restrained’ in a travelling vehicle (rule 57 Highway Code)

Rule 57 of the Highway Code forbids unrestrained pets in travelling vehicles

Rule 57 of the Highway Code in the UK states the following: When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard …

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